370. New Approaches to the "Non-Western" City / Zeynep celik.--371. Sha'ban, Barquq, and the Decline of the Mamluk Metalworking Industry / James W. Allan.--372. The Shaikh Al-Islam and the Evolution of Islamic Society / Richard W. Bulliet.--373. Fatimid Grain Policy and the post of the Muhtasib / Boaz Shoshan.--374. Islamic City, Arab City: Orientalist Myths and Recent Views / Andre Raymond.--375. Antediluvian Cities / Williams W. Hallo.--376. The Golden Age:The Political Concepts of Islam / Ira M.Lapidus.--377. The Mihna of 218 A. H. / 833 A. D. Revisited: An Empirical Study / John A. Nawas.--378. Premodern Muslim Political Systems / M. N. Pearson.--379. Land Use and Settlement Round Kerman in Southern Iran / P. H. T. Beckett; E. D. Gordon.--380. Qanats in the Levant: Hydraulic Technology at the Periphery of Early Empires / Dale R. Lightfoot.--381. The Sacred Direction and City Structure: A Preliminary Analysis of the Islamic Cities of Morocco / Michael E. Bonine.--382. Historical Geography in Britain, 1920-1980: Continuity and Change / H. C. Darby.--383. History, Geography, and Historical Geography / Richard Dennis.--384. The First Shaykh al-Islam of the Safavid Capital Qazvin / Devin J. Stewart.--385. The Leper in Medieval Islamic Society / Michael w. Dols
General Material Designation
#A collection of articles on Iranian and Middle East studies )35(