1. Sperlling the Mystery of time / Gernot L. Windfuhr .--2. An Introduction to the History of Modern Persian Sufism, PartI:The Nimatullahi Order: Persecution, Revival and Schism / Leonard Lewisohn .--3. Portrait of Alexander in Persian Alexander- Romances of the Islanic Era / Minoo S. Southgate .--4. Some Indo-European Systems of Conjunction:Rigveda, Old Persian, Homer / Jared S. Klein .--5. Presidential Operational Codes and Foreign Policy Conflicts in the Post -Cold War World / Stephen G. Walker; Mark Shchafer; Michael D. Young .--6. Toward an Understanding of "Rally"Effects: Public Opinion in the Persian Gulf War / Suzanne L. Parker .--7. Originality and Ottoman Poetics:In the Wilderness of the New / Victoria Rowe Holbrooi.--8. A Pahlavi Poem / W. B. Henning .--9. Physiological Speculation and Social Patterning in a Pahlavi Text / Bruce Lincoin .--10. pakistan: Stalking Armageddo / Ahmad Tariq Karim .--11. Passionate Intensity:Louis Farrakhan And the Fallacies of Racial Reasoning / Mark Lawrence Mcphai .--12. Use and trade of Bitumen in antiquity and prehistory:molecular archaeology reveals secrets of past civilizations / J. Connan .--13. Peace in Cetral America / Linda Robinson .--14. Modern Mass Media and Traditional Communicationin Afghanistan / Shir Mohammad Rawar .--15. Obstacles to the Professionalization of Mass Media in Post-Soviet Central Asia: a case study of Uzbekistan / Richard Shafer; Eric Freedman .--16. Media,Muslims, and the Middle East:A Critical Review Eassy / Annabelle Sreberny .--17. Mediating Terrorism: Text and Protest in Interpretations of The Siege / Karin Wilkins; John Downing .--18. Muslim attitudes towards religion scale: factors, Validity and complexity of relationships with mental health in Iran / Nima Ghorbani; P. J. Watson .--19. Dimensions of the Mysticism Scale: Confirming the Three-Factor Structure in the United States and Iran / Ralph W. Hood, Jr. Nimal Ghorbani
General Material Designation
#A collection of articles on Iranian and Middle East studies )1(