183. Iran and the West: A Critical Bibliography / R. M. Burrell .--184. The Hellenic Disaster in Egypt /A. J. Holladay .--185. Quaternary Deposits in the IraninanMakran /C. Vita-Finzi .--186. Semitic: Damascus Arabic / T. M. Johhnstone .--187. Hellenism in the East: TheInteraction of Greek and non-Greek Civilizations from Syria to Central Asia after Alexander / M. M. Austin .--188. Alexander the Great: The Meeting of East and West in World Government and Brotherhood / Truesdell S. Brown .--189. Afghanistan / Raimi Vayrynen .--190. An Archaeological Tour in Ancient Persis / Aurel Stein .--191. Soniet and Chinese Influence in the Third World / Thomas W. Robinson .--192. The Bakhtiari Mountains and Upper Elam: Discussion /H. F. B. Lynch; George S. Mackenzie .--193. Usine Positive Sanctions to End Indternational Conflicts: Iran and the Arab Gulf Countries / Fred H.Lawson .--194. Rival Empires of The and Imami Shiism in Eastern Arabia, 1300-1800 / Juan r. i. cole .--195. Some Results of the THIRD international Conference on Asian A rchaeology in Bahrain. March 1970: New Discoveries in the Persian / Arabin GulfStater and Relations With Artifacts fromCountries of the Ancient Near East / Edit Porada; Grace Burkhohder; Marny Golding; McC Adams; Karen Frifelt Peder Mortensen; C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky .--196. The Karun River and the Commercial Commercial Geography of South- Wast Persia G.Curzon .--197. Plutarch, Callisthenes and the PEACE OF Callias / A. B. Bosworth .--198. Eary Trade in Highland Iran: A View from a Source Area / Thomas. Beale .-- 199. The Dutch Seaborne Empire. 1600-1800 / George Masselman .--200. 97.New Ligt on the Early History of Bronze / A. H. Sayce .--201. Note on Phoenician Characters from Sumatra / J. P. Harrison .--202. East Africa and Its Invaders,from the Earliest TIMES TO death of Seyyid Said in 1856 / G. R. C .--203. tHE lAND OF eLAM/f. r. mAUNSELL .--204. Tradition and Pokitics:The Religious Parties if Israel / Raphael Patai .--205. Hormuz, Ville Sans Antecedents, de Duree Circnscrite)AUBIN( / Edmund M. Herzig .--206. The Arab Middle East and the United StATES:Inter-Arab Rivalry and SuperpowerDiplomacy / Steve, Z. Freiberger .--207. Captain Shakespear / Elisabeth Monroe .--208. On the Likely Magnitude. Extent. and Duration of an Iraq- UN War / Claudio Cioffi-Revilla
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#A collection of foreign articles on Persian Golf studies )8(