Distributive and Procedural Justice : Research and Social Applications
First Statement of Responsibility
\ edited by Kjell Tornblom and Riel Vermunt.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Aldershot, England ; Burlington, VT
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
: Ashgate
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
, 2007
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xvi, 275 p. : ill
Text of Note
E.Book: 25082
Text of Note
This interdisciplinary and cross-national volume brings together theory and research by prominent scholars within the areas of distributive and procedural justice, not only featuring work within each area separately, as is commonly done, but also showing how combinations of the two justice orientations might operate to affect justice judgments and guide behaviour. Chapters cover various levels of analysis, from intra-personal to interpersonal to group and societal levels. The volume is divided into four sections: distributive justice, procedural justice, distributive and procedural justice, and methodological issues. Each section is subdivided into two parts, basic research and applied research re: current and important societal issues. Each chapter contains an overview of theoretical and empirical research on a particular topic. The volume is designed for use on courses in social psychology, psychology, sociology, political philosophy, and law.
Text of Note
Distributive justice -- The reciprocal relationship between affect and perceptions of fairness / Elizabeth Mullen -- Toward a resource production theory of distributive justice / Kjell Y. Törnblom & Ali Kazemi -- Just solidarity : how justice conditions intergenerational solidarity / Steffen Mau & Sonja Wrobel -- Procedural justice -- Why do people care about procedural fairness? : the importance of membership monitoring / Celia M. Gonzalez & Tom R. Tyler -- The effects of procedural unfairness on norm-violating behaviour / Jacqueline Modde & Riël Vermunt -- Interactions between procedural fairness and outcome favorability in conflict situations / Markus M. Müller & Elisabeth Kals -- Distributive and procedural justice -- Distributive and procedural fairness promote cooperative conflict management / Ali Kazemi -- The talk of negotiators : shaping the fairness of the process and outcome / Karen A. Hegtvedt -- Social injustice in Indian country : historical antecedents of current issues / Laurence Armand French & Nancy Picthall-French -- Distributive and procedural justice research : epistemology, method and application -- Subjective morality : justice judgments between morality and self-interest / Holger Lengfeld -- Studying justice : measurement, estimation, and analysis of the actual reward and the just reward / Guillermina Jasso -- Justice conflicts and the justice of conflict resolution / Leo Montada.