Islamic Thought in the Middle Ages: Studies in Text, Transmission and Translation, in Honour of Hans Daiber
First Statement of Responsibility
\ Edited by Anna Akasoy, Wim Raven
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Leiden, Boston
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
: Brill
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
, 2008
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xxvi, 711p
Other Physical Details
: Ill, map.
Series Title
Islamic philosophy, theology, and science, 0169-8729 ; v. 75
Text of Note
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Code E.Book: 7979
Text of Note
Some Notes on the Notion of Naskh in the Kalam; Avicenna’s Doctrine of the Primary Notions and its Impact on Medieval Philosophy, On the Nature and Fate of Chapter V of Ibn Rushd’s Epitome of Aristotle’s Metaphysics, On the Manuscripts of the Iaāhiyyat of Avicenna’s Kitab al-shifa, Une classification ismaélienne des sciences. L’apport d’Abu Yaqub al-Sijistani a la tradition d’al-Kindī et ses liens avec Abu ’l-asan al-Amiri, ‘I was a Hidden Treasure’. Some Notes on a Commentary Ascribed to Mulla adra Shirazi: Sharadith: Kuntu kanzan makhfiyyan, Al-Ghazali or al-Ghazzali On a Lively Debate among Ayyūbid and Mamluk Historians in Damascus, Suhrawardi on Modal SyllogismsThe Religious Approach to Natural Sciences: the Case of Mineralogy in the Ikhwan al-afa and in amid al-Din al-Kirmani, The Creation and Innovation of Medieval Hebrew Medical Terminology: Shem Tov Ben Isaac, Sefer ha-Shimmush, Weather Forecasting, Lunar Mansions and a Disputed Attribution: the Tractatus pluviarum et aeris mutationis and Epitome totius astrologiae of Iohannes Hispalensis, The Book of Animals by Aristotle,The Earliest Known Schemes of Islamic Sacred Geography, Unmasking the Craft: Abd al-Laif al-Baghdadīs Views on Alchemy and Alchemists, Mathematical Geography in Fifteenth-Century Egypt: an Episode in the Decline of Islamic Science, Abd al-Laif al-Baghdadis Kitab al-ayawan: a Chimaera, A Treatise on Meteorology by Muammad ibn Musa al-alishi, Zur uberlieferung von Aristoteles PA IV, Ibn Sabin and Raimundus Lullus—The Question of the Arabic Sources of Lullus’ Logic Revisited, Alexander of Aphrodisias, De unitate: a Pseudepigraphical Testimony of the De unitate et uno by Dominicus Gundissalinus, Averroes’ Commentary on Aristotle’s De Generatione Animalium and its Use in Two Thirteenth-Century Hebrew Encyclopedias, Ramon Llull and the Islamic Culture of the Mediterranean, Notes sur quelques-uns des temoignages medievaux relatifs a l’Histoire philosophique, Arabic Particles and Graeco-Arabic Translations: on the Uses of Galex I, Reclaiming Babylon: the Multiple Languages of the Quran, The Chew Stick of the Prophet in Sira and Hadith, Al-Jai on Abbasid Caliphs and People in Basra, Die Entstehungsgeschichte der Anthologie im Shar al-ashar al-sitta al-jahiliyya des Baalyawsi, Before Aristotle became Aristotle: Pseudo-Aristotelian Aphorisms in adab al-falasifa