System Requirments: Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Office Picture Manager. This DVD-ROM Includes Books' Files of " Encyclopedia of philosophy " Edited by Editor Inchief Donald M. Borchert. The Book Content is as follow: v. 1. Abbagnano-Byzantine philosophy -- v. 2. Cabanis-Destutt de Tracy -- v. 3. Determinables-Fuzzy logic -- v. 4. Gadamer-Just War theory -- v. 5. Kabbalah-Marxist philosophy -- v. 6. Masaryk-Nussbaum -- v. 7. Oakeshott- presupposition -- v. 8. Price- Sextus empiricus -- v. 9. Shaftesbury-Zubiri -- v. 10. Appendix: additional articles, thematic outline, bibliographies, index.