Introduction / Farhad Daftary and Shainool Jiwa --The early Ismaili Imamate : background to the establishment of the Fatimid Caliphate / Farhad Daftary --The Baghdad manifesto (402/1011) : a re-examination of Fatimid-Abbasid rivalry / Shainool Jiwa --Was the Fatimid Amir al-Juyush in fact a Wazir? / Paul E. Walker --'Leading from the middle' : Qadi al-Nu'man on female prayer leadership / Simonetta Calderini --Al-Turtushi and the Fatimids / Maribel Fierro --Transmitting Sunni learning in Fatimid Egypt : the female voices / Delia Cortese --The Fatimid legacy and the foundation of the modern Nizari Ismaili Imamate / Daniel Beben