Introduction: Challenging global governance / Philipp S. Muller and Markus Lederer -- Inside global governance: new borders of a concept / Konrad Spath -- Global governance as the hegemonic project of transatlantic civil society / Jorg Friedrichs -- The globe and the ghetto / Fleur E. Johns -- Democratizing global governance: beyond the domestic analogy / Heikki Patomaki -- Shifting political identities and global governance of the justified use of force / Anna Leander -- Global governance through the institutional lens / Matthias Finger -- Global governance and domestic politics: fragmented visions / Basak Cal and Ayca Ergun -- Reconstructing the Balkans: a global governance construct? / Rebecca J. Johnson -- The international lawyer as agent of global governance / Andreas L. Paulus -- Human rights as civil religion: the glue for global governance? / Julie Owen -- Transnational private litigation and transnational governance / Robert Wai.