Text of Note
1 CD-ROM; 4 3/4 IN
Text of Note
System Requirments: Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Word 2003. This CD-ROM Includes Works of "Bertrand Russel". He Was a British Philosopher, Logician, Mathematician, Historian, Advocate for Social Reform, and Pacifist. These Works As Follow: A Debate on the Argument from Contingency/ A Free Man's Worship/ A History of Western Philosophy/ ABC of Relativity/ Am I an Atheist or an Agnostic/ An Outline of Philosophy/ Collection of Seven Essays/ Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare/ Education and Discipline/ Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization/ How I Write/ Icarus or The Future of Science/ Ideas that Have Harmed Manking/ In Praise of Idleness/ Is There a God/ Knowledge and Wisdom/ Mysticism/ On Denoting/ On Modern Uncertainty/ On the Value of Scepticism/ Our Knowledge of the Exteral World/ Philosophical Consequences of Relativity/ Philosophy for Laymen/ Political Ideas/ Portrait from Memory and other Essays/ Proposed Roads to Freedom Socialism Anarchism and Syndicalism/ Science and Ethics/ The Analysis of Mind/ The Autobiography of Bertrand Russel 1914 to 1944/ The Bomband Civilization/ The Divorce Between Science and Culture/ The Docrine of Extermination/ The Metaphysician's Nightmare/ The Pilosophical Importance of Mathematical Logic/ The Philosophy of Leibniz/ The Philosophy of Logical Analysis/ The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism/ The Principles of Mathematics/ The Problem of China/ The Problem of Philosophy/ Theory of Knoeledge Unpopular Essays/ Vagueness/ What I Have Lived For/ What Is An Agnostic/ What Is the Soul/ Why I am a Rationalist/ Why I am not a Christian