Alternative therapies as disciplinary practices : the uses and limitations of a Foucauldian approach / Ruth Barcan -- Body, gender, gurlesque, intersex / Vicki Crowley -- Touching skin : embodiment and the senses in the work of Ron Mueck / Anne Cranny-Francis -- No peace without war, no war without peace : deconstructing war / Nick Mansfield -- Eating the other : deconstructing the "ethics" of cannibalism / Nicole Anderson -- Tattooing : the bio-political inscription of bodies and selves / Nikki Sullivan -- Living with things : consumption, material culture and everyday life / Greg Noble -- Flesh machines : self-making and the postmodern body / Elizabeth Stephens -- Rrapping Irigaray : flesh, passion, world / Linnell Secomb -- Kung fu fighting : doing action and negotiating masculinity / Audrey Yue -- Can't get you out of my head : consuming celebrity, producing sexual identity / Brett Farmer -- Comics as everyday theory : the counterpublic world of Taiwanese women fans of Japanese homoerotic manga / Fran Martin -- What's so funny about Indian casinos? : comparative notes on gambling, white possession and popular culture in Australia and the USA / Fiona Nicoll -- Beauty and the Bollywood star : stories of skin colour and transnational circulations of whiteness / Goldie Osuri -- Visual cultures of orientalism and empire : the Abu Ghraib images / Joseph Pugliese -- From other to self and back : the curious history of ethnography / Bob Hodge -- Talk table : doing-ethnography in the kitchen / Jean Duruz -- Ethnografts / Katrina Schlunke -- Metaphors of voice quality / Theo van Leeuwen -- "Botanizing on the asphalt" : Benjamin and practices of flanerie / Tara Forrest -- Momentum / Stephen Muecke.