/ Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Thomas Ertl, Gregory M. Nielson, editors
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Berlin ;New York
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
: Springer,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
, c2006.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
ix, 432 p. , ill. (some col.) , 24 cm.
Series Title
(Mathematics and visualization.)
Text of Note
This book is based on selected lectures given ... during a workshop held at Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany"--Pref.
Text of Note
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and author index.
Text of Note
Meshes for visualization: Adaptive contouring with quadratic tetrahedra / Benjamin F. Gregorski ... [et al.]. On the convexification of unstructured grids from a scientific visualization perspective / Jooao L.D. Comba, Joseph S.B. Mitchell, Claaudio T. Silva. Brain mapping using topology graphs obtained by surface segmentation / Fabien Vivodtzev ... [et al.]. Computing and displaying intermolecular negative volume for docking / Chang Ha Lee, Amitabh Varshney. Optimized bounding polyhedra for GPU-based distance transform / Ronald Peikert, Christian Sigg. Generating, representing and querying level-of-detail tetrahedral meshes / Leila De Floriani, Emanuele Danovaro. Split 'n fit : adaptive fitting of scattered point cloud data / Gregory M. Nielson ... [et al.] -- Volume visualization and medical visualization: Ray casting with programmable graphics hardware / Manfred Weiler ... [et al.]. Volume exploration made easy using feature maps / Klaus Mueller, Sarang Lakare, Arie Kaufman. Fantastic voyage of the virtual colon / Arie Kaufman, Sarang Lakare. Volume denoising for visualizing refraction / David Rodgman, Min Chen. Emphasizing isosurface embeddings in direct volume rendering / Shigeo Takahashi ... [et al.]. Diagnostic relevant visualization of vascular structures / Armin Kanitsar ... [et al.] -- Vector field visualization: Clifford convolution and pattern matching on irregular grids / Julia Ebling, Gerik Scheuermann. Fast and robust extraction of separation line features / Xavier Tricoche, Christoph Garth, Gerik Scheuermann. Fast vortex axis calculation using vortex features and identification algorithms / Markus Reutten, Hans-Georg Pagendarm. Topological features in vector fields / Thomas Wischgoll, Joerg Meyer -- Visualization systems: Generalizing focus+context visualization / Helwig Hauser. Rule-based morphing techniques for interactive clothing catalogs / Achim Ebert, Ingo Ginkel, Hans Hagen. A practical system for constrained interactive walkthroughs of artbitrarily complex scenes / Lining Yang, Roger Crawfis. Component based visualisation of DIET applications / Rolf Hendrik van Lengen ... [et al.]. Facilitating the visual analysis of large-scale unsteady computational fluid dynamics simulations / Kelly Gaither, David S. Ebert. Evolving dataflow visualization environments to grid computing / Ken Brodlie ... [et al.]. Earthquake visualization using large-scale ground motion and structural response simulations / Joerg Meyer, Thomas Wischgoll.