xv, 324 pages , illustrations (some color) , 26 cm.
Series Title
(Methods in molecular biology,1064-3745
Series Title
(Springer protocols)
Volume Designation
; 1057)
Text of Note
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Historical overview of transposable element research /P.A. Peterson --Distinguishing variable phenotypes from variegation caused by transposon activities /V. Walbot --Using transposons for genetic mosaic analysis of plant development /P.W. Becraft --Survey of natural and transgenic gene markers used to monitor transposon activity /L. Krishnaswamy and T. Peterson --Molecular biology of maize Ac/Ds elements: An overview /K. Lazarow, M.L. Doll and R. Kunze --Gene tagging with engineered Ds elements in maize /Y. Li, G. Segal, Q. Wangm H.K. Donner --Plant regeneration methods for rapid generation of a large scale Ds transposant population in rice /Y.H. Xuan [and nine others] --Isolation of sequences flanking Ac insertion sites by Ac casting /D. Wang and T. Peterson --Regulation of the mutator system of transposons in maize /D. Lisch --Using MuDR/Mu transposons in directed tagging strategies /V. Walbot and J. Questa --Genetic and molecular analyses of UniformMu transposon insertion lines /D.R. McCarty, M. Suzuki, C. Hunter, J. Collins, W.T. Avigne, K.E. Koch --Digestion-ligation-amplification (DLA): A simple genome walking method to amplify unknown sequences flanking mutator (Mu) transposons and thereby facilitate gene cloning /S. Liu, A.P. Hsia and P.S. Schnable --Molecular genetics and epigenetics of CACTA elements /N.V. Fedoroff --Activation tagging using the maize En-I transposon system for the identification of abiotic stress resistance genes in arabidopsis /A. Harb and A. Pereira --Reverse genetics in rice using Tos17 /D. Mieulet, A. Dievart, G. Droc, N. Lanau, E. Guiderdoni --Identification and applications of the Petunia Class II Act1/dTph1 transposable element system /T. Gerats, J. Zethof and M. Vandenbussche --Transposon display: A versatile method for transposon tagging /M. Vandenbussche, J. Zethof and T. Gerats --Massive indexed parallel identification of transposon flanking sequences /M. Vandenbussche, J. Zethof and T. Gerats --Use of next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies for the genome-wide detection of transposition /M. Elbaidouri, C. Chaparro and O. Panaud --Overview of repeat annotation and de novo repeat identification /N. Jiang --Computational methods for identification of DNA transposons /N. Jiang --Tenest 2.0: Computational annotation and visualization of nested transposable elements /B.A. Kronmiller and R.P. Wise.
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) ;v. 1057.1064-3745