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Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Concrete constituent materials / Sidney Mindess -- Mineral admixtures / V.M. Malhotra -- Chemical admixtures / David P. Whitney -- Long-term effects and serviceability / Edward G. Nawy and Hani Nassif -- Properties and performance of normal-strength and high-strength concrete / Steven H. Kosmatka -- Design and placement of concrete mixtures : Pt. A. Design of concrete mixtures / Edward G. Nawy -- Pt. B. Applications and constructability / Jaime Moreno and John Albinger -- Design and construction of concrete formwork / David W. Johnston -- Construction loading in high-rise buildings / S.K. Ghosh -- Deflection of concrete members / Russell S. Fling and Andrew Scanlon -- Structural concrete systems / Scott W. McConnell -- Construction of prestressed concrete / Ben C. Gerwick, Jr. -- Unbonded post-tensioning system technology in building construction / Florian G. Barth --Concrete for offshore structures / George C. Hoff -- Foundations for concrete structures / Manjriker Gunaratne -- Specialized construction applications / Husam S. Najm -- Structural concrete repair / Randall W. Poston -- Joints in concrete construction / Edward G. Nawy -- Automation in concrete construction / Mirosaw J. Skibniewski and Raghavan Kunigahalli -- Equipment for concrete building construction / Aviad Shapira -- Roller-compacted concrete / Ernest K. Schrader -- Nondestructive test methods / Nicholas J. Carino -- Fiber-reinforced composites / Edward G. Nawy -- Bonded concrete overlays / Michael M. Sprinkel -- Engineered cementitious composite (ECC) : material, structural and durability performance / Victor C. Li -- Design of FRP reinforced and strengthened concrete / Lawrence C. Bank -- Low-calcium, fly-ash-based geopolymer concrete / B. Vijaya Rangan -- Performance evaluation of structures / Richard A. Miller -- Masonry design and construction / Jason J. Thompson -- Aesthetics in the construction and design of long-span prestressed concrete bridges / Linda Figg -- Architectural concrete / Allan R. Kenney and Sidney Freedman; updated by James M. Shilstone -- Fire resistance and protection of structures / Mark B. Hogan and Jason J. Thompson -- Seismic-resisting construction / Walid M. Naja and Christopher T. Bane -- Prefabricated bridge elements and systems / Michael M. Sprinkel -- Design of precast concrete seismic bracing systems / Robert E. Englekirk -- Cracking mitigation and maintenance considerations / Florian G. Barth -- Proportioning concrete structural elements by the ACI 318-08 code. / Edward G. Nawy.