Text of Note
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Foundations; Set Theory -- Definitions for Set Theory and the Real Number System -- Relations and Orderings -- Transfinite Induction and Recursion -- Cardinality -- The Axion of Choice and Its Equivalents -- General Topology -- Topologies, Metrics, and Continuity -- Compactness and Product Topologies -- Complete and Compact Metric Spaces -- Some Metrics for Function Spaces -- Completion and Completeness of Metric Spaces -- Extension of Continuous Functions -- Uniformities and Uniform Spaces -- Compactification -- Measures -- Introduction to Measures -- Semirings and Rings -- Completion of Measures -- Lebesgue Measure and Nonmeasurable Sets -- Atomic and Nonatomic Measures -- Integration -- Simple Functions -- Measurability -- Convergence Theorems for Integrals -- Product Measures -- Daniell-Stone Integrals -- L[superscript p] Spaces; Introduction to Functional Analysis -- Inequalities for Integrals -- Norms and Completeness of L[superscript p] -- Hilbert Spaces -- Orthonormal Sets and Bases -- Linear Forms on Hilbert Spaces, Inclusions of L[superscript p] Spaces, and Relations Between Two Measures -- Signed Measures -- Convex Sets and Duality of Normed Spaces -- Lipschitz, Continuous, and Bounded Functionals -- Convex Sets and Their Separation -- Convex Functions -- Duality of L[superscript p] Spaces -- Uniform Boundedness and Closed Graphs -- The Brunn-Minkowski Inequality -- Measure, Topology, and Differentiation -- Baire and Borel [sigma]-Algebras and Regularity of Measures -- Lebesgue's Differentiation Theorems -- The Regularity Extension -- The Dual of C(K) and Fourier Series -- Almost Uniform Convergence and Lusin's Theorem -- Introduction to Probability Theory -- Infinite Products of Probability Spaces -- Laws of Large Numbers -- Ergodic Theorems -- Convergence of Laws and Central Limit Theorems -- Distribution Functions and Densities -- Convergence of Random Variables -- Convergence of Laws -- Characteristic Functions -- Uniqueness of Characteristic Functions and a Central Limit Theorem -- Triangular Arrays and Lindeberg's Theorem -- Sums of Independent Real Random Variables -- The Levy Continuity Theorem; Infinitely Divisible and Stable Laws -- Conditional Expectations and Martingales -- Conditional Expectations -- Regular Conditional Probabilities and Jensen's Inequality -- Martingales -- Optional Stopping and Uniform Integrability -- Convergence of Martingales and Submartingales -- Reversed Martingales and Submartingales -- Subadditive and Superadditive Ergodic Theorems -- Convergence of Laws on Separable Metric Spaces -- Laws and Their Convergence -- Lipschitz Functions -- Metrics for Convergence of Laws -- Convergence of Empirical Measures -- Tightness and Uniform Tightness -- Strassen's Theorem: Nearby Variables with Nearby Laws -- A Uniformity for Laws and Almost Surely Converging Realizations of Converging Laws -- Kantorovich-Rubinstein Theorems -- U-Statistics -- Stochastic Processes -- Existence of Processes and Brownian Motion -- The Strong Markov Property of Brownian Motion -- Reflection Principles, The Brownian Bridge, and Laws of Suprema -- Laws of Brownian Motion at Markov Times: Skorohod Imbedding -- Laws of the Iterated Logarithm -- Measurability: Borel Isomorphism and Analytic Sets -- Borel Isomorphism -- Analytic Sets -- Axiomatic Set Theory -- Mathematical Logic -- Axioms for Set Theory -- Ordinals and Cardinals -- From Sets to Numbers -- Complex Numbers, Vector Spaces, and Taylor's Theorem with Remainder -- The Problem of Measure -- Rearranging Sums of Nonnegative Terms -- Pathologies of Compact Nonmetric Spaces.