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Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Text of Note
Understanding the dynamics of motivation in sport and physical activity : an achievement goal interpretation / Glyn C. Roberts, Darren C. Treasure, and David E. Conroy -- Emotions in sport : current issues and perspectives / Yuri L. Hanin -- Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in sport and physical activity : a review and a look at the future / Robert J. Vallerand -- The psychology of superior sport performance : a cognitive and affective neuroscience perspective / Bradley D. Hatfield and Scott E. Kerick -- Leadership in sports / Packianathan Chelladurai -- Who cares what other people think? Self-presentation in exercise and sport / Kathleen A. Martin Ginis, Magnus Lindwall, and Harry Prapavessis -- Methodological review and evaluation of research in expert performance in sport / Nicola J. Hodges, Raoul Huys, and Janet L. Starkes -- Practice and play in the development of sport expertise / Jean Caotae, Joseph Baker, and Bruce Abernethy -- Anticipation and decision making : exploring new horizons / A. Mark Williams and Paul Ward -- Degenerate brains, indeterminate behavior, and representative tasks : implications for experimental design in sport psychology research / Keith Davids ... [et al.] -- Attentional processes in skill learning and expert performance / Bruce Abernethy ... [et al.] -- A social-cognitive perspective on team functioning in sport / David W. Eccles and Gershon Tenenbaum -- Mental skills training in sport / Robin S. Vealey -- Sport psychology : a clinician's perspective / Robert D. Stainback, James C. Moncier III, and Robert E. Taylor -- Action-theory approach to applied sport psychology / Thomas Schack and Dieter Hackfort -- Eating disorders in sport : from theory to research to intervention / Trent A. Petrie and Christy A. Greenleaf -- Psychosocial antecedents of sport injury and interventions for risk reduction / Jean M. Williams and Mark B. Andersen -- Psychology of sport injury rehabilitation / Britton W. Brewer -- Why do athletes choke under pressure / Sian L. Beilock and Rob Gray -- Preparatory routines in self-paced events : do they benefit the skilled athletes? Can they help the beginners / Ronnie Lidor -- Physical activity and mental health / Daniel M. Landers and Shawn M. Arent -- Physical activity and three dimensions of psychological functioning in advanced age : cognition, affect, and self-perception / Yael Netz -- Exercise adherence / Janet Buckworth and Rodney K. Dishman -- Theoretical frameworks in exercise psychology / Stuart J.H. Biddle ... [et al.] -- A social-cognitive perspective of perceived and sustained effort / Gershon Tenenbaum and Jasmin C. Hutchinson -- Exercise and psychosocial issues for cancer survivors / Kerry S. Courneya, Clare Stevinson, and Jeffrey K.H. Vallance -- Physical activity and quality of life : key considerations / Bonnie G. Berger and David A. Tobar -- Athlete burnout / Robert C. Eklund and Scott L. Cresswell -- A life span developmental approach to studying sport and exercise behavior / Diane E. Whaley -- Advances in sport morality research / David Light Shields and Brenda Light Bredemeier -- Family influences on children's sport and physical activity participation, behavior, and psychosocial responses / Thelma S. Horn and Jocelyn L. Horn -- Career transitions and career termination / Dorothee Alfermann and Natalia Stambulova -- New perspectives on measurement and testing in sport psychology / Bernd Strauss, Dirk Beusch, and Gershon Tenenbaum -- Measurement in sport and exercise psychology : a new outlook on selected issues of reliability and validity / Gershon Tenenbaum, Akihito Kamata and Kentaro Hayashi -- Application of confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling in sport and exercise psychology / Herbert W. Marsh -- From self-efficacy to collective efficacy in sport : transitional methodological issues / Nicholas D. Myers and Deborah L. Feltz -- Gender and cultural diversity / Diane L. Gill -- Athletes with disabilities / Stephanie J. Hanrahan -- Alcohol and drug use among athletes : prevalence, etiology, and interventions / Matthew P. Martens, Kristen Dams-O'Connor and Jason R. Kilmer.