Text of Note
Text of Note
"For any digital TV developer or manager, the maze of standards and specifications related to MHP and OCAP is daunting - you have to patch together pieces from several standards to gather all the necessary knowledge you need to compete worldwide. The standards themselves can be confusing and contain many inconsistencies and missing pieces. Interactive TV Standards provides a guide for actually deploying these technologies for a broadcaster or product and application developer."--BOOK JACKET.
Text of Note
1. The middleware market -- 2. An introduction to digital TV -- 3. Middleware architecture -- 4. Applications and application management -- 5. The JavaTV service model -- 6. Resource management issues -- 7. Graphics APIs -- 8. Basic MPEG concepts in MHP and OCAP -- 9. Reading service information -- 10. Section filtering -- 11. Media control -- 12. DSM-CC and broadcast file systems -- 13. Security in MHP and OCAP -- 14. Communicating with other Xlets -- 15. Building applications with HTML -- 16. MHP 1.1 -- 17. Advanced topics -- 18. Building a common middleware platform -- 19. Deploying MHP and OCAP -- App. A. DVB service information -- App. B. ATSC service information.