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Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Plant secondary metabolism and challenges in modifying its operation : an overview / Naaila Cannes do Nascimento and Arthur Germano Fett-Neto -- Suppression subtractive hybridization as a tool to identify anthocyanin metabolism-related genes in apple skin / Yusuke Ban and Takaya Moriguchi -- Identification of regulatory protein genes involved in alkaloid biosynthesis using a transient RNAi system / Yasuyuki Yamada ... [et al.] -- Site-directed mutagenesis and saturation mutagenesis for the functional study of transcription factors involved in plant secondary metabolite biosynthesis / Sitakanta Pattanaik ... [et al.] -- Isolation of proteins binding to promoter elements of alkaloid metabolism-related genes using yeast one-hybrid / Daebora Vom Endt and Giancarlo Pasquali -- Modulation of carotenoid accumulation in transgenic potato by inducing chromoplast formation with enhanced sink strength / Joyce Van Eck ... [et al.] -- Over-expression of rate-limiting enzymes to improve alkaloid productivity / Tomoya Takemura ... [et al.] -- Microbial expression of alkaloid biosynthetic enzymes for characterization of their properties / Hiromichi Minami, Nobuhiro Ikezawa, and Fumihiko Sato -- Producing a recombinant flavin-containing monooxygenase from Coffea arabica in Escherichia coli for screening of potential natural substrates / Igor Cesarino and Paulo Mazzafera -- Efficient production of active form recombinant cassava hydroxynitrile lyase using Escherichia coli in low-temperature culture / Hisashi Semba ... [et al.] -- Introduction of the early pathway to taxol biosynthesis in yeast by means of biosynthetic gene cluster construction using SOE-PCR and homologous recombination / Pia Dahm and Stefan Jennewein -- Biocatalytic synthesis of tritium (p3sH)-labelled taxa-4(5), 11(12)-diene, the pathway committing precursor of the taxoid diterpenoids / Hans Schmeer and Stefan Jennewein -- USER cloning and USER fusion : the ideal cloning techniques for small and big laboratories / Hussam H. Nour-Eldin, Fernando Geu-Flores, and Barbara A. Halkier -- Enrichment of carotenoids in flaxseed by introducing a bacterial phytoene synthase gene / Masaki Fujisawa and Norihiko Misawa -- Metabolic engineering by plastid transformation as a strategy to modulate isoprenoid yield in plants / Tomohisa Hasunuma, Akihiko Kondo, and Chikahiro Miyake -- Engineering high yields of secondary metabolites in Rubia cell cultures through transformation with rol genes / Victor P. Bulgakov, yuri N. Shkryl, and Galina N. Veremeichik -- Flow cytometric methods to investigate culture heterogeneities for plant metabolic engineering / Vishal Gaurav, Martin E. Kolewe, and Susan C. Roberts -- Phenylpropanoid biosynthesis in leaves and glandular trichomes of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) / Caicero Deschamps and James E. Simon -- Fusion with fluorescent proteins for subcellular localization of enzymes involved in plant alkaloid biosynthesis / Patraicia Duarte, Johan Memelink, and Mariana Sottomayor -- Immunohistochemical localisation of a putative flavonoid transporter in grape berries / Elisa Petrussa ... [et al.] -- Electrogenic bromosulfalein transport in isolated membrane vesicles : implementation of both animal and plant preparations for the study of flavonoid transporters / Sabina Passamonti ... [et.
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
Volume Number
v. 643
Bioengineering, methods, Laboratory Manuals
Biotransformation, Laboratory Manuals
Plants, metabolism, Laboratory Manuals
Research, Laboratory Manuals
Biochemical engineering, Laboratory manuals
Plants, Effect of stress on, Research, Laboratory manuals