Text of Note
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Note continued:A.9.Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements.
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Note continued:18.Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle --18.1.Introduction --18.2.Being in Two Places at Once --18.3.Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle --18.4.Atom Sizes and Energies from the Uncertainty Principle --18.5.General Features of the Uncertainty Principle --19.Atoms, Photons, and Quantum Mechanics --19.1.Introduction --19.2.Basic Ideas of Quantum Theory --Superposition and the Uncertainty Principle --19.3.Down Conversion, Beam Splitting, Coincidence Counting --19.4.Interference of Quanta --19.5.Probability Amplitudes and Probabilities --Introduction --Probability --Probability Amplitudes --Product Rule for Probability Amplitudes --Addition Rule for Probability Amplitudes --Indistinguishability --Uncertainty Principle, Coherence Length, and Indistinguishability --19.6.Rules of Quantum Mechanics --Does Interference Occur One Photon at a Time? --Spookiness of Superposition --Indistinguishability: An Ingenious Experiment --19.7.Summary --20.Entanglement and Non-Locality --20.1.Introduction --20.2.Polarization --Wave Picture of Polarization --Sheet Polarizers --Light Through Polarizers: The Quantum Picture --Polarizer Changes a Photon's State --Indistinguishability and the Quantum Eraser --20.3.Entangled Quantum States --Entanglement by Analogy --Non-Locality of Entanglement --20.4.Bell's Inequality --20.5.Violating Bell's Inequality --Beam-Splitting Polarizer --Measuring the Photon's State of Polarization --20.6.Testing Bell's Inequality: Theory and Experiment --21.Epilogue --A.Useful Information --A.1.SI Prefixes --A.2.Basic Physical Constants --A.3.Constants That You Must Know --A.4.Miscellaneous --A.5.Names of Some SI Derived Units --A.6.SI Base Units --A.7.Atomic Masses --A.8.Masses of Nuclides --
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Note continued:Useful Things to Know --Some Important Things to Keep in Mind --15.Particles as Waves --15.1.Introduction Broglie Wavelength --15.3.Evidence that Particles Act like Waves --G. P. Thomson's Experiment --Experiment of Davisson and Germer --"Double-Slit" Interference with Electrons --Waves of Atoms --15.4.Summary and Conclusions --Some Useful Things to Know --Waves, Energy, and Localization --16.Radioactivity and the Atomic Nucleus --16.1.Qualitative Radioactivity --Becquerel Discovers Radioactivity --Curies Discover New Radioactive Elements --Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Rays --Radiactive Atoms of One Element Change into Another --16.2.Quantitative Properties of Radioactivity --Measures of Activity --Radioactive Decay and Half-Life --16.3.Discovery of the Atom's Nucleus --Alpha Particles as Probes of the Atom --Discovery of the Atomic Nucleus --Nuclear Size and Charge --16.4.Nuclear Energies --Energies of Alpha and Beta Particles --16.5.Neutron --16.6.Summary --Introduction --Diffraction from a Circular Cross Section --Find the Nuclear Radius --17.Spectr and the Bohr Atom --17.1.Introduction --17.2.Atomic Spectra --Wall Tapping and Bell Ringing --Atomic Spectral Signatures --17.3.Bohr Atom --Need for a Model --Bohr's Ideas --Quantizing the Hydrogen Atom's Energies --Energy-Level Diagrams --17.4.Confirmations and Applications --Energy Levels --Rydberg Atoms --Franck-Hertz Experiment --Hydrogen-Like Ions --17.5.How Atoms Got Their (Atomic) Numbers --Introduction --How many Elements can there be? --X-Ray Line Spectra --Moseley's Experiment --X-Ray Line Spectra and the Bohr Model --17.6.Summary --Bohr Model --Limitations of the Bohr Model --X-Ray Line Spectra --Moseley's Law, the Atomic Number, and the Periodic Table --
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Note continued:How Motion Described in One Frame is Described in Another --11.4.Constancy of c --Michelson-Morley Experiment --Michelson's Results --11.5.Consequences of Constancy of c --Moving Clocks Run Slow -- Time Dilation --Moving Lengths Shrink -- Lorentz Contraction --Doppler Effect --How Do Velocities Transform? --Something to Think About --12.Energy and Momentum at High Speeds --12.1.Introduction --12.2.Energy Has Mass --Light Exerts Pressure --E = mc2 --Experimental Evidence for m = γm0 --12.3.Momentum and Energy --Relativistic Momentum --Relativistic Kinetic Energy --Relation Between Energy and Momentum --12.4.Masses in eV/c2; Momenta in eV/c --12.5.When Can You Approximate? --Nonrelativistic Approximations --Ultrarelativistic Approximation --12.6.Summary --13.Granularity of Light --13.1.Introduction --13.2.Photoelectric Effect --Discovery of the Photoelectric Effect --Properties of the Effect --Einstein's Explanation: E = hƒ --Experimental Verification of Einstein's Equation --13.3.Photomultiplier Tubes: An Application of the Photoelectric Effect --How the Photomultiplier Tube Works --Parts of a Photomultiplier Tube --Scintillation Counting of Radioactivity: A Useful Application --13.4.Summary --14.X-Rays --14.1.Introduction --14.2.Properties of X-Rays --14.3.Production of X-Rays --14.4.X-Rays are Waves --14.5.Bragg Law of Crystal Diffraction --Powder Diffraction Patterns --14.6.Device for Measuring X-Rays: The Crystal Spectrometer --Determining the Spacing of Atoms in Crystals --14.7.Continuum X-Rays --14.8.X-Ray Photons --14.9.Compton Effect --Introduction --Compton Scattering --Derivation of the Energy Change of a Compton Scattered Photon --Compton Scattering and the Detection of Photons --14.10.Summary --
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Note continued:Moving Charge in a Uniform Magnetic Field --Sources of Magnetic Fields --8.2.Magnetic Fields and Atomic Masses --Magnetic Mass Spectrometry --8.3.Large Accelarators and Magnetic Fields --8.4.Summary of Useful Things to Know About Magnetism --9.Electrical Atoms and the Electron --9.1.Introduction --9.2.Electrolysis and the Mole of Charges --9.3.Cathode Rays, e/m, and the Electron --Electrical Nature of Cathode Rays --Deflection --9.4.Electron's Charge --Introduction and Overview --Droplet Size from Terminal Velocity --Finding the Charge on a Droplet --Quantization of Electric Charge --Important Numbers Found from e --9.5.Summary --9.6.Uses of Electric Deflection --Inkjet Printer --Quark Hunting --10.Waves and Light --10.1.Introduction --10.2.Nature of Waves --Traveling Disturbance --Velocity, Wavelength, and Frequency --Amplitude --Phase --Transverse and Longitudinal Waves --Intensity --10.3.Interference of Waves --Interference Along a Line --Visualizing Waves in Three Dimensions -- Wavefronts --Interference in Terms of Wavefronts --10.4.Light Interferes; It's a Wave --Wavelength of Light Is Color --Analyzing Light: Interference of Light from Slits --Double-Slit Interference --Single-Slit Diffraction --Combined Double-Slit and Single-Slit Patterns --Multislit Interference Patterns --Spectra, Spectrometers, Spectroscopy --10.5.Atomic Spectroscopy --10.6.Probing Matter with Light --10.7.Summary --11.Time and Length at High Speeds --11.1.Introduction --11.2.Approximating a Function --Straight-Line Approximations --Binomial Expansions --Amaze Your Friends! --Small-Angle Approximation --11.3.Frame of Reference --Velocity Depends on Reference Frame --Does Physics Depend on Reference Frame? --
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Note continued:4.1.Introduction --4.2.Pressure --Idea of Pressure --Definition of Pressure --Discovery of Vacuum and the Atmosphere --Gas Pressure --4.3.Boyle's Law: The Springiness of Gases --Boyle's Experiment --4.4.Temperature, Gases, and Ideal Gases --Thermal Expansion --Imagining an Ideal Gas --Gay-Lussac's Law and the Kelvin Temperature Scale --4.5.Ideal Gas Law --What Underlies Such a Simple Law? --5.Hard-Sphere Atoms --5.1.Introduction --5.2.Gas Pressure from Atoms --5.3.Temperature and the Energies of Atoms --Energies of Atoms: Boltzmann's Constant --Electron Volt (eV) --5.4.Summary Thus Far --5.5.Size of Atoms --Colliding Atoms, Mean Free Path --Viscosity --Atomic Model of Viscosity --5.7.Size of Atoms --Radius of a Molecule --Avogadro's Number --5.8.Conclusions --Introduction --Sums and the Σ Notation --Distributions and Averages --Distribution of Velocities --Momentum Transfers by Collision --Velocity Bins --6.Electric Charges and Electric Forces --6.1.Introduction --6.2.Electric Charge --Experiments with Electroscopes --Conductors and Insulators --Quantitative Measures of Charge --6.3.Electric Current --Speed of Charges in a Current --6.4.Summary: Electric Charges --7.Electric Fields and Electric Forces --7.1.Electric Field: A Local Source of Electric Force --Two Useful Electric Fields --7.2.Electric Potential Energy and Electric Potential --7.3.Electric Potential --Acceleration of Charged Particles Through a Difference of Potential --Energy, Electric Potential, and Electric Current --Visualizing Electric Potential --Electron Volt --7.4.Summary: Electric Field and Electric Potential --8.Magnetic Field and Magnetic Force --8.1.Magnetic Field --Magnetic Force on a Moving Charge --