Computational linguistics and intelligent text processing
General Material Designation
Other Title Information
:11th international conference, CICLing 2010, Iasi, Romania, March 21-27, 2010 : proceedings
First Statement of Responsibility
/ Alexander Gelbukh (ed.
Edition Statement
1st ed.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Berlin ;New York
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
: Springer
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
, 2010.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xx, 760 p., ill.
Series Title
(Lecture notes in computer science,0302-9743
Series Title
(LNCS sublibrary. SL 1, Theoretical computer science and general issues.)
Volume Designation
; 6008.)
Text of Note
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Lexical resources. Invited paper. Planning the future of language resources : the role of the FLaReNet network / Nicoletta Calzolari and Claudia Soria -- Best paper award : second place. Cross-lingual alignment of FrameNet annotations through hidden Markov models / Paolo Annesi and Roberto Basili -- On the automatic generation of intermediate logic forms for WordNet glosses / Rodrigo Agerri and Anselmo Peonas -- Worth its weight in gold or yet another resource : a comparative study of Wiktionary, OpenThesaurus and GermaNet / Christian M. Meyer and Iryna Gurevych -- Issues in analyzing Telugu sentences towards building a Telugu treebank / Chaitanya Vempaty, Viswanath Naidu, Samar Husain, Ravi Kiran, Lakshmi Bai, Dipti M. Sharma, and Rajeev Sangal -- EusPropBank : integrating semantic information in the Basque Dependency Treebank / Izaskun Aldezabal, Maraia Jesaus Aranzabe, Arantza Daiaz de Ilarraza, Ainara Estarrona, and Larraitz Uria -- Morphological annotation of a corpus with a collaborative multiplayer game / Onur Geungeor and Tunga Geungeor -- Syntax and parsing. Invited paper. Computational models of language acquisition / Shuly Wintner -- ETL ensembles for chunking, NER and SRL / Caicero N. dos Santos, Ruy L. Milidiau, Carlos E.M. Crestana, and Eraldo R. Fernandes -- Unsupervised part-of-speech disambiguation for high frequency words and its influence on unsupervised parsing / Christian Heanig -- A machine learning parser using an unlexicalized distituent model / Samuel W.K. Chan, Lawrence Y.L. Cheung, and Mickey W.C. Chong -- Ontology-based semantic interpretation as grammar rule constraints / Smaranda Muresan -- Towards a cascade of morpho-syntactic tools for Arabic natural language processing / Slim Mesfar -- An open-source computational grammar for Romanian / Ramona Enache, Aarne Ranta, and Krasimir Angelov -- Chinese event descriptive clause splitting with structured SVMs / Junsheng Zhou, Yabing Zhang, Xinyu Dai, and Jiajun Chen -- Word sense disambiguation and named entity recognition. Best paper award : first place. An experimental study on unsupervised graph-based word sense disambiguation / George Tsatsaronis, Iraklis Varlamis, and Kjetil Nrveag -- A case study of using web search statistics : case restoration / Silviu Cucerzan -- A named entity extraction using word information repeatedly collected from unlabeled data / Tomoya Iwakura -- A distributional semantics approach to simultaneous recognition of multiple classes of named entities / Siddhartha Jonnalagadda, Robert Leaman, Trevor Cohen, and Graciela Gonzalez -- Semantics and dialog. Invited paper. The recognition and interpretation of motion in language / James Pustejovsky, Jessica Moszkowicz, and Marc Verhagen -- Flexible disambiguation in DTS / Livio Robaldo and Jurij Di Carlo -- A syntactic textual entailment system based on Dependency Parser / Partha Pakray, Alexander Gelbukh, and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay -- Semantic annotation of transcribed audio broadcast news using contextual features in graphical discriminative models / Azeddine Zidouni and Hervae Glotin -- Lexical chains using distributional measures of concept distance / Meghana Marathe and Graeme Hirst -- Incorporating cohesive devices into entity grid model in evaluating local coherence of Japanese text / Hikaru Yokono and Manabu Okumura -- A sequential model for discourse segmentation / Hugo Hernault, Danushka Bollegala, and Mitsuru Ishizuka -- Towards automatic detection and tracking of topic change / Florian Holz and Sven Teresniak -- Modelling illocutionary structure : combining empirical studies with formal model analysis / Hui Shi, Robert J. Ross, Thora Tenbrink, and John Bateman -- A polyphonic model and system for inter-animation analysis in chat conversations with multiple participants / Stefan Trausan-Matu and Traian Rebedea -- Humor and emotions. Computational models for incongruity detection in humour / Rada Mihalcea, Carlo Stapparava, and Stephen Pulman -- Emotions in words : developing a multilingual WordNet-Affect / Victoria Bobicev, Victoria Maxim, Tatiana Prodan, Natalia Burciu, and Victoria Angheluنs -- Emotion holder for emotional verbs : the role of subject and syntax / Dipankar Das and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay -- Machine translation and multilingualism. Best paper award : third place. A chunk-driven bootstrapping approach to extracting translation patterns / Lieve Macken and Walter Daelmans -- Computing transfer score in example-based machine translation / Rafal Jaworski -- Systematic processing of long sentences in rule based Portuguese-Chinese machine translation / Francisco Oliveira, Fai Wong, and Iok-Sai Hong -- Syntax augmented inversion transduction grammars for machine translation / Guillem Gascao Mora and Joan Andreu Saanchez Peirao -- Syntactic structure transfer in a Tamil to Hindi MT system : a hybrid approach / Sobha Lalitha Devi, Vijay Sundar Ram R., Pravin Pralayankar, and Bakiyavathi T. -- A maximum entropy approach to syntactic translation rule filtering / Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt -- Mining parenthetical translations for Polish-English lexica / Filip Gralianski -- Automatic generation of bilingual dictionaries using intermediary languages and comparable corpora / Pablo Gamallo Otero and Josae Ramom Pichel Campos -- Hierarchical finite-state models for speech translation using categorization of phrases / Raquel Justo, Alicia Paerez, M. Inaes Torres, and Francisco Casacuberta -- Drive-by language identification : a byproduct of applied prototype semantics / Ronald Winnemeoller -- Identification of translationese : a machine learning approach / Iustina Ilisei, Diana Inkpen, Gloria Corpas Pastor, and Ruslan Mitkov -- Information extraction. Acquiring IE patterns through distributional lexical semantic models / Roberto Basili, Danilo Croce, Cristina Giannone, and Diego De Cao -- Multi-view bootstrapping for relation extraction by exploring web features and linguistic features / Yulan Yan, Haibo Li, Yutaka Matsuo, and Mitsuru Ishizuka -- Sequential patterns to discover and characterise biological relations / Peggy Cellier, Thierry Charnois, and Marc Plantevit -- Extraction of genic interactions with the recursive logical theory of an ontology / Alain-Pierre Manine, Erick Alphonse, and Philippe Bessiaeres -- Information retrieval. Selecting the n-top retrieval result lists for an effective data fusion / Antonio Juaarez-Gonzaalez, Manuel Montes-y-Gaomez, Luis Villaseonor-Pineda, David Pinto-Avenadaono, and Manuel Paerez-Coutiono -- Multi Word Term queries for focused information retrieval / Eric SanJuan and Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan -- Optimal IR : how far away? / Xiangdong An, Xiangji Huang, and Nick Cercone -- Adaptive term weighting through stochastic optimization / Michael Granitzer -- Text categorization and classification. Enhancing text classification by information embedded in the test set / Gabriela Ramairez-de-la-Rosa, Manuel Montes-y-Gaomez, and Luis Villaseonor-Pineda -- Rank distance aggregation as a fixed classifier combining rule for text categorization / Liviu P. Dinu and Andrei Rusu -- The influence of collocation segmentation and top 10 items to keyword assignment performance / Vidas Daudaravicius -- A general bio-inspired method to improve the short-text clustering task / Diego Ingaramo, Marcelo Errecalde, and Paolo Rosso -- An empirical study on the feature's type effect on the automatic classification of Arabic documents / Saeed Raheel and Joseph Diehy -- Plagiarism detection. Word length n-grams for text re-use detection / Alberto Barraon-Cedeono, Chiara Basile, Mirko Degli Esposti, and Paolo Rosso -- Who's the thief? : automatic detection of the direction of plagiarism / Christian Grozea and Marius Popescu -- Text summarization. Best student paper award. Integer linear programming for Dutch sentence compression / Jan De Belder and Marie-Francine Moens -- GEMS : Generative Modeling for evaluation of summaries / Rahul Katragadda -- Quantitative evaluation of grammaticality of summaries / Ravikiran Vadlapudi and Rahul Katragadda -- Speech generation. Integrating constrast in a framework for predicting prosody / Pepi Stavropoulou, Dimitris Spiliotopoulos, and Georgios Kouroupetroglou.
Lecture notes in computer science
LNCS sublibrary.SL 1,Theoretical computer science and general issues
Volume Number
Variant Title
CICLing 2010
Text processing (Computer science), Congresses
Computational linguistics, Congresses
Discourse analysis, Data processing, Congresses
Information storage and retrieval systems, Congresses