Text of Note
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical References and index.
Text of Note
Frequency Response -- 13.6 Coherent Output Power -- 13.7 The Coherence Function in Practice -- 13.8 Impact Excitation -- 13.9 Shaker Excitation -- 13.10Examples of FRF Estimation -- No Extraneous Noise -- 13.11Example of FRF Estimation -- With Output Noise -- 13.12Examples of FRF Estimation -- With Input and Output Noise -- 13.13Chapter Summary -- 13.14Problems -- References -- 14 Multiple-Input Frequency Response Measurement -- 14.1 Multiple-Input Systems -- 14.2 Conditioned Input Signals -- 14.3 Bias and Random Errors for Multiple-Input Systems -- 14.4 Excitation Signals for MIMO Analysis -- 14.5 Data Synthesis and Simulation Examples -- 14.6 Real MIMO Data Case -- 14.7 Chapter Summary -- 14.8 Problems -- References -- 15 Orthogonalization of Signals -- 15.1 Principal Components -- 15.2 Virtual Signals -- 15.3 Noise Source Identification (NSI) -- 15.4 Chapter Summary -- 15.5 Problems -- References -- 16 Advanced Analysis Methods -- 16.1 Shock Response Spectrum -- 16.2 The Hilbert Transform -- 16.3 Cepstrum Analysis -- 16.4 The Envelope Spectrum -- 16.5 Creating Random Signals With Known Spectral Density -- 16.6 Operational Deflection Shapes -- ODS -- 16.7 Introduction to Experimental Modal Analysis -- 16.8 Chapter Summary -- 16.9 Problems -- References -- References -- A Complex Numbers -- B Logarithmic Diagrams -- C Decibel -- D Some Elementary Matrix Algebra -- References -- E Eigenvalues and the SVD -- E.1 Eigenvalues and Complex Matrices -- E.2 The Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) -- References -- F Organizations and Resources -- Index .
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Transducer -- 7.6 The Impedance Head -- 7.7 The Impulse Hammer -- 7.8 Accelerometer Calibration -- 7.9 Measurement Microphones -- 7.10 Microphone Calibration -- 7.11 Shakers for Structure Excitation -- 7.12 Some Comments on Measurement Procedures -- 7.13 Problems -- References -- 8 Frequency Analysis Theory -- 8.1 Periodic Signals -- The Fourier Series -- 8.2 Spectra of Periodic Signals -- 8.3 Random processes -- 8.4 Transient Signals -- 8.5 Interpretation of spectra -- 8.6 Chapter Summary -- 8.7 Problems -- References -- 9 Experimental Frequency Analysis -- 9.1 Frequency Analysis Principles -- 9.2 Octave and Third-Octave Band Spectra -- 9.3 The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) -- 9.4 Chapter Summary -- 9.5 Problems -- References -- 10 Spectrum and Correlation Estimates Using the DFT -- 10.1 Averaging -- 10.2 Spectrum Estimators for Periodic Signals -- 10.3 Estimators for PSD and CSD -- 10.4 Estimator for Correlation Functions -- 10.5 Estimators for Transient Signals -- 10.6 Spectrum Estimation in Practice -- 10.7 Multi-Channel Spectral Analysis -- 10.8 Chapter Summary -- 10.9 Problems -- References -- 11 Measurement and Analysis Systems -- 11.1 Principal Design -- 11.2 Hardware for Noise and Vibration Analysis -- 11.3 FFT Analysis software -- 11.4 Chapter Summary -- 11.5 Problems -- References -- 12 Rotating Machinery Analysis -- 12.1 Vibrations in Rotating Machines -- 12.2 Understanding Time-Frequency Analysis -- 12.3 Rotational Speed Signals (Tachometer Signals) -- 12.4 RPM Maps -- 12.5 Smearing -- 12.6 Order Tracks -- 12.7 Synchronous Sampling -- 12.8 Averaging Rotation-Speed Dependent Signals -- 12.9 Adding Change in RMS With Time -- 12.10Parametric methods -- 12.11Chapter summary -- 12.12Problems -- References -- 13 Single-Input Frequency Response Measurements -- 13.1 Linear Systems -- 13.2 Determining Frequency Response Experimentally -- 13.3 Important Relationships for Linear Systems -- 13.4 The Coherence Function -- 13.5 Errors in Determining the
Text of Note
"Noise and Vibration Analysis adopts a practical learning approach, building upon two existing class-note type books that have been used by the author for 10 years of teaching two academic courses"--Provided by publisher.