Text of Note
Text of Note
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Introduction: the Einstein legacy -- Intangibles in the Einstein context -- What are intangibles? -- How intangibles differ from tangibles -- Perspectives on intangibles -- The impact of intangibles on organizations -- Some outcomes of the rising importance of intangibles -- Why manage the organization's intangibles? -- Einstein in the boardroom -- The Einstein value continuum -- The difference between I-stuff and IP -- I-stuff management thought leaders -- I-stuff management activities -- The Einstein value continuum -- Building the portfolio of I-stuff -- What building path companies are trying to accomplish -- Best practices for the building path -- Conclusions: beyond building -- Leveraging the portfolio of I-stuff -- What companies on the leveraging path are trying to accomplish -- How companies leverage their I-stuff -- Best practices for the leveraging path -- Developing a brand management capability -- Developing a corporate brand -- Extracting value from the brand -- Conclusions: beyond leveraging -- Integrating the portfolio of I-stuff -- What integrating path companies are trying to accomplish -- I-stuff strategies -- Managing across organizational boundaries -- Measuring the value of intangibles -- Best practices for the integrating path -- Conclusions: beyond integrating -- Sustaining the corporation through I-stuff -- What is sustainability? -- The characteristics of sustainable corporations -- Why are stakeholders important? -- Sustainability and I-stuff reporting -- What sustaining path companies are trying to accomplish -- Best practices for the sustaining path -- Conclusions: beyond sustainability -- Proctor & Gamble: progressing beyond intellectual property -- Changing a corporate culture -- The promise of intellectual assets -- How they did it -- Moving the technology forward -- "Connect + develop" -- Accelovation -- Mining know-how -- Reliability engineering -- The value of employees.