/ edited by Ian Maudlin, Peter H. Holmes, Michael A. Miles
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Wallingford, UK ;Cambridge, MA, USA
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
: CABI Pub.,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
, c2004.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
[xviii], 614 p. , ill.
Text of Note
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
The systematics of trypanosomes of medical and veterinary importance / J. Stevens, S. Brisse -- Antigenic variation / D. Barry, M. Carrington -- The African trypanosome genome / S.E. Melville, P.A.O. Majiwa, A. Tait -- Communication in trypasomatids / D.P. Nolan, J.A.G. Salcedo, L. Vanhamme, E. Pays -- Genetics and molecular epidemiology of trypanosomes / G. Hide, A. Tait -- Tsetse genetics: applications to biology and systematics / R. Gooding, E.S. Krafsur -- Tsetse population dynamics / J.W. Hargrove -- Tsetse distribution / D.J. Rogers, T.P. Robinson -- Triatominae: systematics, morphology and population biology / J.P. Dujardin, C.J. Schofield -- Diagnosis of human African trypanosomiasis / P. Buscher, V. Lejon -- Epidemiology of human African trypanosomiasis / S.C. Welburn, E.M. Fevre, P.G. Coleman, I. Maudlin -- Diagnosis of human South American trypanosomiasis / A.O. Luquetti -- Epidemiology of humna South American trypanosomiasis / M.A. Miles, M. Yeo, M.W. Gaunt -- Diagnosis and epidemiology of African animal trypanosomiasis / M.C. Eisler, R.H. Dwinger, P.A.O. Majiwa, K. Picozzi -- Non-tsetse-transmitted animal trypanosomiasis / A.G. Luckins, R.H. Dwinger -- Pathogenesis of human African trypanosomiasis / V.W. Pentreath, P.G.E. Kennedy -- Pathogenesis of human South American trypanosomiasis / E.R. Lopes, E. Chapadeiro -- Pathogenesis of animal trypanosomiases / K. Taylor, E. M-L Authie -- Medical significance of human South American trypanosomiasis / G.A. Schmunis -- The economics of African trypanosomiasis A.P.M. Shaw -- Current chemotherapy of human African trypanosomiasis /C. Burri, A. Stich, R. Brun -- Current chemotherapy of human South American trypanosomiasis / A. Rassi, A. Luquetti -- Current chemotherapy of animal trypanosomiasis / P.H. Holmes, M.C. Eisler, S. Geerts -- Future prospects in chemotherapy for trypanosomiasis / M.P. Barrett, G.H. Coombs, J.C. Mottram -- Trypanotolerance / M. Murray, G.D.M. d'Ieteren, A.J. Teale -- Control of blood transfusion transmission of human South American trypanosomiasis / H. Moraes-Souza, J.O. Bordin, D.L. Junior -- Insecticidal control of tsetse / R. Allsopp, B.H. Hursey -- Development of bait technology for tsetse control / G.A. Vale, S.J. Torr -- The application of bait technology to control tsetse / P. Van den Bossche, R.D. Deken -- Community participation in tsetse control / R.D. Dransfield, R. Brightwell -- Control of Triatominae / J.C.P. Dias, C.J. Schofield -- The sterile insect technique as a component of areawide integrated pest management of tsetse / U. Feldmann -- Biting flies: their role in the mechanical trasmission of trypanosomes to livestock and methods for their control / M.J.R. Hall, R. Wall.