Text of Note
Text of Note
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Text of Note
Motivation and the theory of current concerns / Eric Klinger and W. Miles Cox -- Motivation and addiction : the role of incentive processes in understanding and treating addictive disorders / Suzette V. Glasner -- Behavioral economics : basic concepts and clinical applications / Christopher J. Correia -- Personal project pursuit : on human doings and well beings / Brian R. Little and Neil C. Chambers -- Goal conflicts : concepts, findings, and consequences for psychotherapy / Johannes Michalak, Thomas Heidenreich, and Jurgen Hoyer -- Motivational counseling in an extended functional context : personality systems interaction theory and assessment / Reiner Kaschel and Julius Kuhl -- A motivational model of alcohol use : determinants of use and change / W. Miles Cox and Eric Klinger -- Measuring motivation : the motivational structure questionnaire and personal concerns inventory / W. Miles Cox and Eric Klinger -- The motivational structure questionnaire and personal concerns inventory: psychometric properties / Eric Klinger and W. Miles Cox -- Volitional and emotional correlates of the motivational structure questionnaire : further evidence for construct validity / Nicola Baumann -- Systematic motivational counseling : the motivational structure questionnaire in action / W. Miles Cox and Eric Klinger -- Systematic motivational counseling in groups : clarifying motivational structure during psychotherapy / Bernhard M. Schroer, Arno Fuhrmann and Renate de Jong-Meyer -- Systematic motivational analysis as part of a self-help technique aimed at personal goal attainment / Renate de Jong-Meyer -- Systematic motivational counseling at work : improving employee performance, satisfaction, and socialization / Loriann Roberson and David M. Sluss -- Systematic motivational counseling in rehabilitation settings / S. Vincent Miranti and Allen W. Heinemann -- Assessing and changing motivation to offend / Mary McMurran -- Enhancing motivation for psychotherapy : the elaboration of positive perspectives (EPOS) to develop clients' goal structure / Ulrike Willutzki and Christoph Koban -- Viktor E. Frankl's existential analysis and logotherapy / Manfred Hillmann -- Changing alcohol expectancies : techniques for altering motivations for drinking / Barry T. Jones -- The motivational drinker's check-up : a brief intervention for early stage problem drinkers / Maria J. Emmen ... [et al.] -- Motivational enhancement as a brief intervention for college student drinkers / Arthur W. Blume and G. Alan Marlatt -- Community reinforcement approach and contingency management interventions for substance abuse / Conrad J. Wong, Hendree E. Jones, and Maxine L. Stitzer -- Goal setting as a motivational technique for neurorehabilitation / Siegfried Gauggel and Martina Hoop -- Motivational interviewing in health promotion and behavioral medicine / Ken Resnicow ... [et al.] -- Motivational counseling: taking stock and looking ahead / W. Miles Cox and Eric Klinger.