Handbook of employee selection : an introduction and overview /James L. Farr and Nancy T. Tippins --Reliability and validity /Dan J. Putka and Paul R. Sackett --Validation strategies for primary studies /Neal W. Schmitt, John D. Arnold, and Levi Nieminen --Work analysis /Kenneth Pearlman and Juan I. Sanchez --Current concepts of validity, validation, and generalizability /Jerard F. Kehoe and Kevin R. Murphy --Attracting job candidates to organizations /Ann Marie Ryan and Tanya Delany --Test administration and the use of test scores /Jeff W. Johnson and Frederick L. Oswald --Technology and employee selection /Douglas H. Reynolds and David N. Dickter --Strategy, selection, and sustained competitive advantage /Robert E. Ployhart and Jeff A. Weekley --Managing sustainable selection programs /Jerard F. Kehoe, Stefan T. Mol, and Neil R. Anderson --Thebusiness value of employee selection /Wayne F. Sacsio and Lawrence Fogli --Cognitive abilities /Deniz S. Ones, Stephan Dilchert, Chockalingam Viswesvaran, and Jesus F. Salgado --Physical performance tests /Deborah L. Gebhardt and Todd A. Baker --Personality : its measurement and validity for employee selection /Leaetta Hough and Stephan Dilchert --Values, styles, and motivational constructs /David Chan --Practical intelligence, emotional intelligence, and social intelligence /Filip Lievens and David Chan --Decisions in developing and selecting assessment tools /Nancy T. Tippins, Jone M. Papinchock, and Emily C. Solberg --Administering assessments and decision-making /. Stephen Wunder, Lisa L. Thomas, and Zupei Luo --Evaluation of measures : sources of error, sufficiency, and contamination /Michael J. Zickar, Jose M. Cortina, and Nathan T. Carter --Assessment feedback /Manuel London and Lynn A. McFarland --Themeasurement of task performance as criteria in selection research /Walter C. Borman, Rebecca H. Bryant, and Jay Dorio --Adaptive and citizenship-related behaviors at work /David W. Dorsey, Jose M. Cortina, and Joseph Luchman --Counterproductive work behavior and withdrawal /Maria Rotundo and Paul E. Spector --Defining and measuring results of workplace behavior /Elaine D. Pulakos and Ryan S. O'Leary --Employee work-related health, stress, and safety /Lois E. Tetrick, Pamela L. Perrewe, and Mark Griffin --Criterion validity and criterion deficiency : what we measure well and what we ignore /Jeanette N. Cleveland and Adrienne Colella --Ethics of employee selection /Joel Lefkowitz and Rodney L. Lowman --Professional guidelines/standards /P. Richard Jeanneret and Sheldon Zedeck --Asampler of legal principles in employment selection /Frank J. Landy, Arthur Gutman, and James L. Outtz --Perspectives from twenty-two countries on the legal environment for selection /Paul R. Sackett, Winny Shen, Brett Myors, and Colleagues --Selection and classification in the U.S. Military /Waqyne S. Sellman, Dana H. Born, William J. Strickland, and Jason J. Ross --Public sector employment /Rick Jacobs and Donna L. Denning --Selection methods and desired outcomes : integrating assessment content and technology to improve entry- and mid-level leadership performance /Scott C. Erker, Charles J. Cosentino, and Kevin B. Tamanini --Blue-collar selection in private sector organizations /Wands J. Campbell and Robert A. Ramos --Selection for service and sales jobs /John P. Hausknecht and Angela M. Langevin --Selection in multinational organizations /Paula Caligiuri and Karen B. Paul --Selection for team membership : a contingency and multilevel perspective /Susan Mohammed, Jan Cannon-Bowers, and Su Chuen Foo --Selecting leaders : executives and high potentials /George C. Thornton III, George P. Hollenbeck, and Stefanie K. Johnson --Themanagement progress study and its legacy for selection /Ann Howard --Project A : 12 years of R & D /John P. Campbell and Deirdre J. Knapp --Thedictionary of occupational titles and the occupational information network /Norman Peterson and Christopher E. Sager --Situational specificity and validity generalization /Lawrence R. James and Heather H. McIntyre --Employee selection in Europe : psychotechnics and the forgotten history of modern scientific employee selection /Jesus F. Salgado, Neil R. Anderson, and Ute R. Hulsheger --Employee selection : musings about its past, present, and future /Robert M. Guion.
Text of Note
The Handbook of Employee Selection provides a comprehensive review of a( contemporary personnel selection instruments, including the technical methodology for their development and evaluation of their effectiveness, b( the organizational systems necessary for the effective and efficient use of personnel selection methods as part of organizations human resource management approach, and c( the societal and organizational factors that provide the context within which personnel selection is nested. The Handbook will include descriptions of specific examples of personnel selection procedures that have had major impact on the development of personnel selection function within organizations, as well as discussions of current and future trends in employee selection around the world.