Aramaic morphology involves the Semitic non-linear interdigitation of separate consonantal and vocalic segmental morphemes. I show that the verbal morphology derives from meta-templates (CCCC), which specify the number of syllable margins, and Optimality Theoretic constraints. Triradical (ktb) and Biradical usd(\IR)usd roots employ the same meta-templates, with the location of gemination and spreading determined by constraints. I develop a flat collapsed hierarchy model of sub-syllabic constituency using syllabic and moraic suprasegmental features to permit the analysis of reduced syllables as non-moraic. Spreading of root radicals is represented by the correspondence relation between the input and output, instead of autosegmental tiers. Geminates have a single correspondence link, deriving the distinction between gemination and spreading in spirantization of stops and in the preference for gemination over spreading in the verb patterns. Coalescence, defined as a tautomorphemic correspondence configuration, derives the effect of anti-gemination. The association of constraint hierarchies to lexical phonology is restricted.