To facilitate referencing going concern, in accordance with International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 570 auditors have flexibility to establish a decision whether the assumption is suitable framework for pulling up the current financial statements. They must judge, whether any events or liability, contingent or otherwise may undermine the company's stability, but it is not a realistic expectation that auditors can predict future. Because it is still a significant concern for investors, it is probable that any changes now made to form of the audit function will cause some changes in the expectation from auditors addressing Going Concern. The aim of this thesis is investigating the implementation of ISA 570 in practice and to draw more attention to the signals related to Going Concern in the financial statements. In order to achieve this purpose causality relationship among Going concern, Taxation Rate, Unfavorable Ratios, The Excess of Total Debt over Total Assets, Inability to Pay Accounts Payable, Excessive of Operating Outflows than Inflows, Operating Loss, Net Liability, Negative Operating Cash Flows, Sustainable Operating Losses and Non-compliance with Capital in manufacturing companies of Turkey were studied. In related Vector auto regression (VAR) analysis, Error Correction Model (ECM), Cointegration and Granger Causality tests were performed to annual variables of 748 firms' between2000-2017. According to the empirical results, all variables employed in this study are found stationary at first difference using Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (P.P) Unit Root tests. Also, the employed variables are cointegrated indicating the existence of long-run relationship among the variables. Therefore, it is recommended that auditors give attention to the mentioned variables while issuing going concern opinion.