In Acts 11:19-30, the Christian church in Antioch of Syria shared the Gospel with Gentiles, which was uncommon and unprecedented for the Jewish-Christian church at that time. The refugees who were scattered because of persecution gathered at Antioch to spread the Gospel to other cities and cultures. Their passion for the Gospel inspires and teaches many lessons to today's church. What motivated the Antiochene Christians to have a missional mindset? How can Christians in the present time possess such a missional identity? Examining the missional identity of the Antioch Church will contribute to the practical application of its missional principles and fervor in the mission field around the world. Chapter 1 begins with the dispersion of the church from Jerusalem and the foundation of the Antioch Church in Syria. Chapter 2 presents an exegetical analysis of Acts 11:19-24, investigating how Antiochene Christians began to communicate the Gospel to the Gentiles. Chapter 3 lays out an exegetical analysis of Acts 11:25-30 that shows the actions of the church in Antioch. Chapter 4 evaluates specific characteristics of the church in Antioch and applies them to the current Christian church.