In this thesis, I illustrate that media coverage of people's behavior indicates a specific social construct in which everyone participates as co-creators that prioritizes the collective good over an individual's own desires. I use the term tarbiyat, meaning training and culturedness, to give this social construct a name and to illustrate the existence of the Tarbiyat Discursive Field. I perform discourse analysis on four articles from Tajik-language newspapers that I collected during an academic year in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Newspaper stories serve as specific instances within this greater discourse, and I designated media materials that possess themes of shame, loss, and solution as part of this discourse. I find that rather than relying on formal government programs and activities to ensure its survival, this discourse finds its strength and relevancy in Tajik society today through the country's history of state paternalism and its local communities' cultural values and collective memory of recent traumatic events. These channels feed into each other: collective memory and local, traditional culture pressure the government to prioritize unity which stresses tarbiyat values to maintain stability; and these same values that the government stresses already form an integral part of every action done by an individual, and interaction they have with someone else. The tarbiyat values that I have pinpointed in news stories are so innate as a frame of social reference in Tajik society that they do not need official recognition. They are instead perpetuated by everyone for their perceived importance. The ideas of this thesis can be greatly expanded upon in further research, but can be of interest to those who study Central Asia, post-Soviet cultures and politics, and who utilize discourse analysis in their work.