An investigation of student interaction patterns and teacher feedback at a Saudi EFL university context
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Alsaif, O.
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility
Li, Li ; Salter-Dvorak, Hania
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
University of Exeter
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Dissertation or thesis details and type of degree
Body granting the degree
University of Exeter
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Text of Note
The current study is guided by the assumption that classroom interaction plays a key role in enhancing the quality of learning and teaching in a classroom setting. In an EFL context as this study concerns classroom interaction becomes more essential as it cannot merely increase the opportunities for learning the language but also allow students to practise using the target language by participating in classroom activities and interacting with both their teachers and peers. To date, there have been many research studies conducted for the purpose of fostering student communication and interaction in language learning contexts. The current study aimed at investigating different patterns of classroom interaction take place in a particular English classrooms context. The IRF: Initiation, Response, and Feedback patterns of classroom discourse investigated in this study are one of the most common structures of classroom interaction. The study conducted an exploratory study using two qualitative methods (i.e. observation and interviews) to answer two main research questions. Particularly, how EFL teachers use the third feedback turn of interaction whether for evaluation feedback and then closure of the cycle of interaction at this level, or follow-up feedback to maintain the flow of interaction. The data of the study identified five functions of the feedback the teachers employed in the classrooms observed. It is found that the teachers use the feedback turns: to initiate new questions; to make the discourse more communicative; to promote student engagement and contributions; and lastly to provide an embedded and explicit evaluation. In addition, the study investigated the teachers' perspectives of, and insights into, the functions of the feedback they provide. It is found that the teachers provided four different ways of scaffolding to extend student participation and communication. Finally, some contributions, implications for the context and recommendations are provided as well as some suggestions for improving classroom discourse in light of future consideration.