Nationalism is primarily a political principle, which holds that the political and thenational unit should be congruent' (Gellner 2006: 128, 1). This thesis argues that thisideal of congruency - a unification of individuals and a congruency of a 'people' withspace and authority - has become a leitmotif in our contemporary modes of thought,often rendered concomitant to liberal democracy, security, peace and modernity.Congruent societies, whether defined as 'nation-states' or otherwise, are assumed tobe the optimal unit in the 'modern international'. In this thesis, I suggest reading thecongruent society as a 'fantasy', a multifaceted discourse that makes our worldintelligible by carving it into imagined congruent socio-political units. The congruentsociety is a fantasy, indeed a fantasmatic project, in that it offers a certain 'fullness tocome', the promise of jouissance, that can never be attained and is thus constantly reenvisionedand re-invoked. It is an impossible yet always-desired attempt to mask thevoid of society, to stabilise the contingency of social life. Furthermore, this thesisoffers a genealogical inquiry into the conditions of emergence of the congruentsociety fantasy from early-modernity to our contemporary regime of congruency.Reading genealogy as a 'history of the present', this thesis problematises and denaturalisesour contemporary regime of congruency by interrogating the myriaddiscursive practices that constitute and legitimate the fantasy of congruency.