The British military is undergoing significant restructuring •as a consequence of the 2010Strategic Defence and Security Review. This includes deep personnel cuts across the threeServices that will see high numbers of former officers seeking to establish second careers.This research is focussed on the transferable nature of strategic leadership and decision-makingskills from the military to the business sector.It is contended in the literature that effective leadership results in higher organisationalperformance and that the primary role of an effective strategic leader is arguably decisivedecision-making. Despite the common perception that senior British officers arc effectiveleaders and decision-makers, there is a gap in the literature in relation to transferability whichthis study seeks to redress. A multiple case study methodology is employed based primarilyon semi-structured interviews with business and military strategic leaders and participantswho have successfully established second careers in business. Interview questions foundedin the existing literature were refined through discussions in a focus group and subsequentlypiloted to determine contemporary relevance. Interview data was transcribed and thenanalysed using NVivo software. As the study comprises maximum variation cases,commonality within the findings consequently provides a sound foundation from which tomake generalisations regarding strategic decision-making processes of leaders.The findings confirm the transferability of strategic decision-making skills from the militaryto the business context and make a novel contribution to the field . It was found that whilstthe agreed upon organisational process is imp0l1ant as a framework, it is the approach topower, politics and conflict that makes the difference in effective decision-making. Militarypai1icipants also reported prioritising decision-pacing over achieving consensus where theirbusiness counterparts preferred to prioritise consensus because it was perceived as thefoundation for effective implementation.Implications for practice resulting from the work show business perceptions of militaryleaders were found to be positive but demonstrated a lack of understanding of the skillsrequired for effective military strategic decision-making. To foster better understanding ofsenior officers' potential to improve organisational performance in the business environment,it is recommended that this proven transferability of military skills to the business sector ispublicised. It is also proposed that officers plan their career transition far earlier than currentpractice advises 10 ensure that their experience is appropriately accredited, for examplethrough membership of professional bodies. This will aid in civilianising experience andqualifications and case the transition process on retirement. Mid-career postings that includeexposure to industry are recommended to further assist in this accreditation and to exposeofficers to the business environment.