This dissertation is the first comprehensive study to analyze and interpret Americanpolitical caricatures published in New York, Philadelphia, and Newburyport,Massachusetts between 1780 and 1830. Caricatures published during the early Republicrelied heavily on the format and design of graphic satires published in London; however,its subject matter represents events and personages that reflect an early nationalisticAmerican society. This study concentrates on the exchange of satirical print culturesbetween the United States and England in the late eighteenth and early nineteenthcenturies. Central to this is the thorough examination of the early training and satiricalprints published by two most prolific caricaturists of the period, the American-bornJames Akin (1773-1846) and the Scottish-born William Charles (1776-1820).Despite the abundance of recent scholarship focused on caricatures published inLondon between 1780 and 1830, art historians have largely ignored the wealth ofcontemporary satirical images that were published in the United States. This study willaddress that oversight by examining the engagement between political caricatures fromthis time period within a broader social and historical context. This research willdevelop and expand on evidence that supports the influence on satirical prints from othermediums of artwork within this period. Through critical analysis of these images andcontemporary descriptions found in personal papers, letters, and newspaperadvertisements this dissertation will establish a broader context in which to view andunderstand these politically charged images. Furthermore, this project will establish anart-historical context in which to place these American satirical images, a topic that haspreviously been neglected by the history of art discipline. 03