The control of technological change in the motor industry :
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Scarbrough, Harry
Title Proper by Another Author
a case study
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
University of Aston in Birmingham
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Dissertation or thesis details and type of degree
Body granting the degree
University of Aston in Birmingham
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Text of Note
This thesis is based upon a case study of theintroduction of automated production technologies at theLongbridge plant of British Leyland in the period 1978to 1980.The investment in automation was part of anoverall programme of modernization to manufacture thenew 'Mini Metro' model.In the first Section of the thesis,the differenttheoretical perspectives on technological change arediscussed.Particular emphasis is placed upon the socialrole of management as the primary controllers oftechnological change. Their actions are seen to beoriented towards the overall strategy of the firm,integrating the firmts competitive strategy withproduction methods and techniques.This analysis isgrounded in an examination of British Leyland1s strategiesduring the 1970'S.The greater part of the thesis deals with theefforts made by management to secure their strategicobjectives in the process of technological changeagainst the conflicting claims of their work-force.Examination of these efforts is linked to thedevelopment of industrial relations conflict atLongbridge and in British Leyland as a whole.Emphasisis placed upon the struggle between management inpursuit of their version of efficiency and the tradeunions in defence of job controls and demarcations.The thesis concludes that the process oftechnological change in the motor industry is controlledby social forces,with the introduction of new technologiesbeing closely intertwined with management's politicalrelations with the trade unions.