Analysis of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and accountability practices in a developing country context :
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Lauwo, Sarah
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a study of mining industry in Tanzania
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The University of Essex
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The University of Essex
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This study focuses on corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices in Tanzania, a developingcountry in East Africa. CSR has become one of the greatest challenges in the contemporaryglobalisation era. As corporate influences on the daily lives of people have increased in the globaleconomy, sometimes more than those of elected governments, non-governmental organisations(NGOs) and pressure groups have become sceptical of corporate power and increasinglyconcerned about the socio-economic and environmental consequences of corporate activities.Many corporations have sought to reassure public opinion by publishing corporate responsibilitystatements and codes of conduct. However, these have often been subordinate to pursuit ofprofit. Although an increasing volume of literature has sought to provide an understanding ofCSR from a variety of competing theoretical perspectives, the literature has focused mainly ondeveloped countries with relatively little scholarly attention being paid to CSR practices indeveloping countries, including Tanzania which forms the subject matter of this thesis.Previous CSR studies have tended to focus on individuals and have used theories such as agency,stakeholder and legitimacy. However, while such theories provide a useful framework forexplaining and understanding the business-society relationship, they attach little explicit weight tothe broader socio-political, economic and historical contexts which shape CSR practices. Thus,this study examines the nature and extent of CSR practices in Tanzania within a socio-politicaland economic context. It does so by adopting structuration theory in order to consider theduality and dialectical interrelationship between social actors and institutional structures whichcreate, shape, influence and undermine the (re)production of CSR practices in a developingcountry. It considers the impact of globalisation, corporate power and the role of thedevelopmental state on the conduct of responsible business practices in Tanzania. The studyshows that in the context of globalisation that Tanzania's dependence on the internationalfinancial institutions and on investment by foreign multinational corporations has shaped andinfluenced Tanzania's socio-economic environment and institutional structures. Thus, theinstitutional structures in Tanzania have been shaped by global pressures, in particular by thedesire to attract capital in order to deal with Tanzania's endemic poverty. As a result, theTanzanian government's capacity to promote public accountability, good governance,transparency and corporate responsibility has been seriously constrained. The evidence showsthat MNCs in Tanzania have produced statements containing pledges to act in a sociallyresponsible manner, but that their actions have left much to be desired for employees, localcommunities, the government, and society as a whole.The study draws attention to the gap between corporate statements about CSR and about whathappens in practice, which casts doubt on corporate claims to be keen to promote CSR andquestions the reasons for such claims. The gap between corporate talk and corporate actionsuggests that corporate promises to act in a socially responsible manner may be 'hollow', or amere fiction designed to legitimise business operations in Tanzania. As a consequence, contraryto the claims of the companies to be acting in a socially responsible way and to be committed toimproving the economic and social infrastructures and quality of life of local citizens, thewidespread poverty in Tanzania remains significant. There is therefore a pressing need forreform in order to mitigate the pervasiveness of the social, economic and environmentalproblems in Tanzania. This study argues that an attempt to change CSR and its potential inpromoting socio-economic development in Tanzania and developing countries in general shouldbe accompanied by changes in the governance system at both the local and global levels.