Towards a new model of cultural governance and music policy for Cyprus :
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Theodoulou-Charalambous, Elena
Title Proper by Another Author
a comparative study of European cultural policies and strategies for music in the public sector
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Leeds Metropolitan University
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Dissertation or thesis details and type of degree
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Leeds Metropolitan University
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'Culture' and 'cultural policy' are both very dynamic and complex terms. As far ascultural policy and cultural governance are concerned, this study has provided us withan insight both at theoretical and at empirical level. The thesis adopts a structured andsystematic approach to cultural policy research to produce meaningful results for thecase of Cyprus. Therefore the main scope of this study centres on formulating a policyframework for a new model of music policy for Cyprus on the basis of reforms in thecultural governance system.This study is based on an in-depth qualitative research. The specific methods ofbibliographical research, comparative study of selected models of music policy in otherEuropean countries and semi-structured interviews have been employed.Furthermore, due to the dynamic and evolving area of the investigated topic, this studyincorporates some elements of action research and is also based on a grounded theoryapproach.On the basis of the results derived from this study, a new model of cultural governancefor the case of Cyprus has been formulated in a systematic way, through the proposalof: (i) a structured context for strategic cultural planning; (ii) modernisation of culturalgovernance structures; (iii) modernisation and improvement of the funding system.The thesis shows that the co-ordinating role of the State in mobilising all the keypartners involved, especially in the case of Cyprus, is important for the successfulimplementation of the proposed reforms in the cultural governance structures. In thisrespect, the political aspiration and the rhetoric for the creation of a Unified Authority forCulture are taken into account and concrete proposals are provided by this research.On the basis of the results of this study, a Unified Authority for Culture is proposed tobe a governmental body dealing mostly with strategic cultural planning, as well asmonitoring and evaluation as far as the implementation of cultural policies isconcerned. Due to the small size of Cyprus, the Unified Authority for Culture, wheredeemed necessary, will acquire an interplay role between the national institutions andthe local partners involved, in order to secure sufficient cultural co-operation andinteraction amongst all the major key players. Synergies will be further sought throughthe work of the various Ministries which are considered as important actors in terms ofdeveloping sector-specific policies for the successful implementation of the nationalcultural strategy. The latter is expected to be developed by the Unified Authority forCulture, based on wide-ranging consultation with stakeholders. It will be revisedperiodically so that new needs and developments are taken into consideration.The thesis also concludes that the current cornerstones of the music policy agenda,are centred upon two unifying policy themes - the provision of music education and thepromotion and support for local talent and creativity. The aforementioned unifyingpolicy themes bring creativity issues to light. On the basis of this context and by takinginto account relevant policy implications, this study provides us with a framework for anew music policy model for Cyprus. It is therefore suggested that there are certainthematic policy areas that need to be further investigated. These policy areas can besummarised in the following broader issues: music education and community outreachcultural activities, fostering creativity through increased opportunities for musicians forcareer development, developing the music industry, national music infrastructure andnetworks of music institutions.It should be noted that the contextual nature of the investigated topic has been takeninto account all throughout this research. It is for this reason important to note thatdespite the fact that this research proposes a structured approach to formulating a newcultural governance model, the proposed reforms should be revised periodically inorder to better reflect any future developments in Cyprus.In carrying out this study there were certain limitations particularly because culturalpolicy and governance in the case of Cyprus had not been researched before andtherefore there was a lack of statistical data and information. Nevertheless, it isperhaps for this very reason that this study's contribution to knowledge might beregarded as important. This work makes a further significant contribution to knowledgein that it tries to identify links and interconnections of the researched field with otherpolicy areas. This study is thus an attempt to link horizontal issues and policy concernsto sector specific policies with the aim of fostering synergies and coherent approaches.This might in fact be the distinctive feature of this thesis, as work in the field of culturalpolicy research is either of a generic nature, based on general policy considerations, orof a very narrow nature, based on specific policy implications for particular art forms.