Towards prudential banking regulation and supervision :
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Mlozi, Patricia Francis.
Title Proper by Another Author
the case of Tanzania.
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University of Sussex
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University of Sussex
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This thesis examines the evolution, quality and measures of improvement of Tanzania'scommercial banking regulation and supervision. It is based on the belief that regulationand supervision play an essential role in maintaining a sound and stable banking industry.Although the subject of banking regulation and supervision has been widely discussed inEuropean Union countries and in the United States, it is only now that the subject isbecoming of growing importance to Tanzania. The move is necessitated by the need toconform to the political, social and economic transformation that has been taking place inthe country since 1986 under the structural adjustment programs (SAPs).The study divides the country's banking and its regulation and supervision into threeperiods: the pre and colonial (1880-1960), the post-colonial (1961-1989) and finally, thecontemporary (1991-2000). Each of these periods is examined separately, and thencomparedt o eacho ther. The researcherb elieves that, in reviewing the past, we are able todetermine future developments.The findings of the study indicate that the main features of Tanzania's commercialbanking sector and its legal framework during the colonial and post-colonial era havebeen largely determined by the experiences of colonialism. Despite the ArushaDeclaration policies established six years after independence, the banking industry and itslegal framework of regulation and supervision remained overshadowed by governmentdirectives and Bank of Tanzania sector guidelines. The year 1991 saw major reforms ofthe industry by government, partly in response to the International Monetary Fund and theInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development initiatives, (SAPs). However, inan attempt to establish a contemporary banking legal framework, the government reliedon models that ignored the growing difference between developed economies anddeveloping economies. Consequently, the current framework though satisfactory, hassome loopholes and is in certain cases unable to take into account the realities of the localenvironment. Furthermore, the empirical findings of the study have illustrated that thepractical aspects of the regulation and supervision of commercial banks have significantshortcomings. These problems are particularly acute because the banking industry is stillvulnerable to major structural change through economic frailty, mergers, bankruptcy andfailures. After identifying these weaknesses, the study makes recommendations designedto help policy-makers strengthen the law, regulatory and supervisory structure, by takinginto account the local banking industry environment.Finally, the study is concluded with a summary assessment of the period under review. Itis argued that the 1990's changes were indeed a step towards prudential bankingregulation and supervision in Tanzania. Nevertheless, in the light of the shortcomingsmentioned above and as part of the emphasis on an effective and efficient framework, theneed constantly to review the system and adapt changes that are designed to improve thebanking industry and its regulation and supervision remain essential in achievingprudential standards.