The nature and significance of Marx's critique of classical political economy
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Pilling, Geoffrey
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Council for National Academic Awards
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Council for National Academic Awards
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The thesis is concerned with a series of methodological aspects ofKarl Marx's economic writings, notably Capital. These methodologicalquestions are explored by means of a critical review ofMarx's relationship to the school of classical political economyin Britain. Here emphasiS is placed on David Ricardo. The aim ofthe thesis is to demonstrate that it is impossible to understandfully the revolution wrought by Marx in the field of politicaleconomy without having fundamental regard for the philosophicalfoundation of Marx's Capital. It is argued that Hegel is aboveall the key figure here and that a proper consideration of theinfluence of his philosophy in shaping Marx's intellectual developmentis of paramount importance. After an initial survey in whichit is held that these matters have received little adequateattention in the past, attention is directed towards the majorelements of Marx's critique of classical economics. Stress isplaced on the empiricism which underlay much of this politicaleconomy and the consequences which this philosophical stanceinvolved. To develop the argument, Marx's notion of labour isexamined in detail. A more generel analysis of the conceptsemployed by Marx in his work follows, designed to demonstrateconcretely the fundamental natura of Marx's critique of the work ofhis predecessors. The opening chapters of Capital are subjected toa close textual scrutiny in order to highlight the dialecticalcharacter of Marx's work. finally the nature of the notion offetishism is explored with a view to establishing its centrality forMarx as well as to explain its absence from the work of theclassical economists