This thesis is a study of the tensions and contradictions within and betweenthe theory and practice of youth work. The relationship between NorthendenMethodist Youth Centre in Manchester and the City Education Departmentserves as a microcosm exemplifying the conflicts inherent in the youth worksector of education. Part One eJC.aminesthe bureaucratic, statutory, socialand historical forces shaping the context within which youth work operates.Part Two considers the relationship between the Youth Club and ManchesterCity Council to determine the significance of the conflicting influences intheir dispute.The findings of this thesis are that:Bureaucratic control of voluntary youth work as exercised by localauthorities inhibits its practice in such a way as to conflict with itsexpressed aim of responding to the needs of young people.2 The failure of youth work in practice to abandon the concept of socialcontrol alienates the young. Using Christianity as an instrument of socialcontrol conflicts with the professed aims of committed Christians whoseinvolvement in youth work arises from their sincerely professed beliefswhich reject such an instrumental view of their ideology.3 The contradictions inherent in the theory of youth work lead to itsfailure in practice to meet many of its stated goals.4 Youth work ideology posits aims which in practice are unrealisable becauseof its failure to recognise the restrictions imposed by the changingsocial, demographic, ideological and economic context in which it operates.These tensions and conflicts result in youth work as traditionally practisedbeing unable to meet th·e needs of young people. Its idealism militatesagainst the adoption of realisable goals and often leads to its potential forgood being unrealised. This is shown by its chronic underfunding and lack ofrecognition. It needs radically to be revised in its aims and practice tomeet the needs of the next decade.