Understanding the Qur'an̄ -- An Introduction by Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi; Excerpts from the Preface to the First Edition; Translator's Introduction; 1 Al-Fat̄ihạh (The Opening); 2 Al-Baqarah (The Heifer); 3 Al̄ 'Imran̄ (The Family of 'Imran̄); 4 Al-Nisa'̄ (The Women); 5 Al-Ma'̄idah (The Table Spread); 6 Al-An'am̄ (The Cattle); 7 Al-A'raf̄ (The Heights); 8 Al-Anfal̄ (The Spoils of War); 9 Al-Tawbah (The Repentance) or Bara'̄ah (Immunity); 10 Yun̄us (Jonah); 11 Hud̄ (The Prophet Hud̄); 12 Yus̄uf (Joseph); 13 Al-Ra'd (The Thunder); 14 Ibrah̄im̄ (Abraham); 15 Al-Hịjr (The Rocky Tract). 16 Al-Nahḷ (The Bee)17 Al- Isra'̄ (The Night Journey) or Bani ̄Isra'̄il̄ (The Children of Israel); 18 Al-Kahf (The Cave); 19 Maryam (Mary); 20 Tạ ̄Ha;̄ 21 Al-Anbiya'̄ (The Prophets); 22 Al-Hạjj (The Pilgrimage); 23 Al-Mu'minun̄ (The Believers); 24 Al-Nur̄ (The Light); 25 Al-Furqan̄ (The Criterion); 26 Al-Shu'ara'̄ (The Poets); 27 Al-Naml (The Ants); 28 Al-Qasạs ̣(The Narration); 29 Al-'Ankabut̄ (The Spider); 30 Al-Rum̄ (The Roman Empire); 31 Luqman̄; 32 Al-Sajdah (The Prostration); 33 Al-Ahẓab̄ (The Confederates); 34 Saba' (The City of Saba'); 35 Fat̄ịr (The Originator of Creation); 36 Ya ̄Sin̄. 37 Al-Sạf̄fat̄ (Those Ranged in Ranks)38 Sạd̄; 39 Al-Zumar (The Crowds); 40 Ghaf̄ir (Forgiver) or Al-Mu'min (The Believer); 41 Fusṣịlat (Expounded) or Hạ ̄Mim̄; 42 Al-Shur̄a ̄(Consultation); 43 Al-Zukhruf (The Gold Adornments); 44 Al-Dukhan̄ (The Smoke); 45 Al-Jat̄hiyah (The Kneeling Down); 46 Al-Ahq̣af̄ (Winding Sand-tracts); 47 Muhạmmad; 48 Al-Fath ̣(The Victory); 49 Al-Hụjurat̄ (The Inner Apartments); 50 Qaf̄; 51 Al-Dhar̄iyat̄ (The Winds that Scatter); 52 Al-Tụr̄ (The Mount); 53 Al-Najm (The Star); 54 Al-Qamar (The Moon); 55 Al-Rahṃan̄ (The Most Gracious); 56 Al-Waq̄i'ah (The Inevitable Event). 57 Al-Hạdid̄ (Iron)58 Al-Mujad̄alah (The Woman Who Pleads); 59 Al-Hạshr (The Gathering or Banishment); 60 Al-Mumtahạnah (The Woman To Be Examined); 61 Al-Sạff (The Battle Array); 62 Al-Jumu'ah (Congregation); 63 Al-Munaf̄iqun̄ (The Hypocrites); 64 Al-Taghab̄un (Mutual Loss and Gain); 65 Al-Tạlaq̄ (Divorce); 66 Al-Tahṛim̄ (Prohibition); 67 Al-Mulk (The Dominion); 68 Al-Qalam (The Pen) or Nun̄; 69 Al-Hạq̄qah (The Sure Reality); 70 Al-Ma'ar̄ij (The Ways of Ascent); 71 Nuh̄ ̣(Noah); 72 Al-Jinn (The Spirits); 73 Al-Muzzammil (Folded in Garments); 74 Al-Muddaththir (The One Wrapped Up). 75 Al-Qiyam̄ah (The Resurrection)76 Al-Insan̄ (Man); 77 Al-Mursalat̄ (Those Sent Forth); 78 Al-Naba'̄ (The Great News); 79 Al-Naz̄i'at̄ (Those Who Tear Out); 80 'Abasa (He Frowned); 81 Al-Takwir̄ (The Folding Up); 82 Al-Infitạr̄ (The Cleaving Asunder); 83 Al-Mutạffifin̄ (The Dealers in Fraud); 84 Al-Inshiqaq̄ (The Rending Asunder); 85 Al-Buruj̄ (The Zodiacal Signs); 86 Al-Tạr̄iq (The Night-Visitant); 87 Al-A'la ̄(The Most High); 88 Al-Ghas̄hiyah (The Overwhelming Event); 89 Al-Fajr (The Break of Day); 90 Al-Balad (The City); 91 Al-Shams (The Sun); 92 Al-Layl (The Night).
Text of Note
This splendid translation, originally prepared in 1934, aimed to help readers understand the meaning of the Qur'an but also to appreciate its beauty and catch something of the grandeur of the Arabic. --Publisher.