Preface; Chapter 1: The Journey of Life; The Eternal, Living Reality; The New World that Awaits You; What is the Qur'an?; Infinite Mercy and Majesty; Hazards and Perils; Tilawah; Chapter 2: Basic Prerequisites; Faith: The Word of God; Purity of Intention and Purpose; Bringing Gratitude and Praise; Acceptance and Trust; Obedience and Change; Hazards and Obstacles; Trust and Dependence; Chapter 3: Participation of the Inner Self; What is the Heart?; Dynamic of Inner Participation; States of Consciousness; The Qur'anic Criteria of Inner Participation; In Allah's Presence
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Four Basic RulesStudy Circle ; Participants; How to Conduct a Study Circle; Dars; Preparation; How to Deliver; Chapter 7: Living the Qur'an; Obeying the Qur'an; Fulfilling the Qur'an's Mission; Appendix 1: What the Prophet Particularly Reador Emphasized; What the Prophet Recited in Various Prayers; What the Prophet Recited at Various Times; What the Prophet Said About the Excellent Meritsof Various Parts; Appendix 2: Suggested Syllabuses for Qur'anic Study; The Shorter Syllabus: 12 Selections; The Longer Syllabus: 40 Selections; Appendix 3: Aids to Study; Index of Qur'anic Verses
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Hearing from AllahAllah's Direct Address; Every Word for You ; Conversation with Allah; Trusting and Expecting Allah's Rewards; Acts of Heart and Body; Response of Your Heart; Response of Your Tongue; Tears in Your Eyes; Postures of Your Body; Reading with Tartil; Self Purification; Seeking Allah's Help (Du'a'); Reading with Comprehension; Chapter 4: Rules of Reading; How Often to Read?; How Much to Read?; When to Read?; Reading Correctly; Reading Beautifully; Listening Attentively; Completing the Reading (Khatm); Memorizing; Chapter 5: Study and Understanding; Importance and Need
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Personal StudyArgument Against Studying; The Qur'anic Emphasis; The Early Practice; Risks of Personal Study; Categories of Understanding; Tadhakkur; Tadabbur; Your Aims; Levels and Forms of Understanding; Basic Requirements; Arabic; Reading the Whole Qur'an; Reading Tafsir Works ; Study of Selected Portions; Reading Again and Again; Inquiring Mind; Aids for Study; How to Study; How to Understand Meanings; General Principles; Understand as a Living Reality; Understand as a Message for You; Understand as a Part of the Whole; Understand as a Coherent Unified Text
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Understand with the Whole of Your BeingUnderstand What the Qur'an Tells You; Stay Within the Consensus; Understand by the Unique Qur'anic CriteriaAlone; Understand the Qur'an by the Qur'an; Understand with the Hadith and Sirah; Language; Methodological Guidelines; Studying Words; Textual Context; Historical Background; 'Original' Meaning; Translating to Your Situation; Far-fetched and Irrelevant Meanings; Level of Knowledge and Intelligence; Current Human Knowledge; What You Cannot Understand; Life of the Prophet; Chapter 6: Collective Study; Importance and Need; Forms of Collective Study
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This book shows the reader how to approach the Quran in order better understand and appreciate it.