Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Introduction: Images and Realities of Arab and Jewish Immigrants in Latin America; Arab-Jewish Coexistence in the First Half of 1900s' Argentina: Overcoming Self-Imposed Amnesia; 'Jews are Turks Who Sell on Credit': EliteImages of Arabs and Jews in Brazil; Arabs and Jews in the Development of the Colombian Caribbean 1850-1950; Between Privilege and Opprobrium:The Arabs and Jews in Haiti; The Arab-Jewish Economic Presence in San Pedro Sula, the Industrial Capital of Honduras: Formative Years, 1880s-1930s.
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Re-creating Community: Christians from Lebanon and Jews from Syria in Mexico,1900-1938The Economic and Social Condition of Jewish and Arab Immigrants in Bolivia, 1890-1980; Ethnic History, Nationalism andTransnationalism in Argentine Arab andJewish Cultures; The Question of 'Argentinidad': The Self-Image of Arab and Jewish Ancestry in Recent Argentine Literature; The Historiography of Jewish Immigrationto Argentina: Problems andPerspectives; The Historiography of Arab Immigrationto Argentina: The Intersection of theImaginary and the Real Country; Notes on Contributors; Index.
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This collection of essays addresses various aspects of Arab and Jewish immigration and acculturation in Latin America. The volume examines how the Latin American elites who were keen to change their countries' ethnic mix felt threatened by the arrival of Arabs and Jews.
Arab and Jewish Immigrants in Latin America : Images and Realities.