Women's voices within the Christian and Hindu traditions contain theoretical and practical resources for dealing with issues of ecological concern. Hinduism's teachings about Mother Earth and newly crafted eco-feminist theories in Christianity provide a philosophical context for regarding the earth as sacred. The Chipko movement, organized and implemented by local women, prevented the commercial harvesting of lumber and its consequent habitat destruction in India's Uttaranchal Province. In North America, members of Christian women's religious orders have converted many of their properties to organic gardening and teaching centers, and into wildlife sanctuaries. Both movements are providing models for ecological sustainability. Women's voices within the Christian and Hindu traditions contain theoretical and practical resources for dealing with issues of ecological concern. Hinduism's teachings about Mother Earth and newly crafted eco-feminist theories in Christianity provide a philosophical context for regarding the earth as sacred. The Chipko movement, organized and implemented by local women, prevented the commercial harvesting of lumber and its consequent habitat destruction in India's Uttaranchal Province. In North America, members of Christian women's religious orders have converted many of their properties to organic gardening and teaching centers, and into wildlife sanctuaries. Both movements are providing models for ecological sustainability.
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Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology