Another Citation of Philo in Clement of Alexandria's Protrepticus (10,93,1-2)
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First Statement of Responsibility
Andrew Dinan
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Text of Note
Prot. 10,93,1-2 should be added to the long list of passages in which Clement has made use of the writings of Philo. Clement is attracted by, and in large measure appropriates, Philo's description of repentance in Virt. 181, yet he alters the Philonic text in several ways, notably by making explicit a citation that also appears partially in Plato, Phd 114D and more fully in Horace, C. 3,25. Prot. 10,93,1-2 should be added to the long list of passages in which Clement has made use of the writings of Philo. Clement is attracted by, and in large measure appropriates, Philo's description of repentance in Virt. 181, yet he alters the Philonic text in several ways, notably by making explicit a citation that also appears partially in Plato, Phd 114D and more fully in Horace, C. 3,25.