The socio-historical context of the Pauline letters was dominated by the Roman Empire. But the Empire amounted to more than a material entity, and positing it as a negotiated concept is helpful for interpreting the Paul and Empire nexus. While areas of dissonance between Paul and Empire can be argued, the impact of Empire is discernible in other ways also in the letters. The lasting legacy of Paul's imperium requires attention for Empire's push and pull in his letters. The socio-historical context of the Pauline letters was dominated by the Roman Empire. But the Empire amounted to more than a material entity, and positing it as a negotiated concept is helpful for interpreting the Paul and Empire nexus. While areas of dissonance between Paul and Empire can be argued, the impact of Empire is discernible in other ways also in the letters. The lasting legacy of Paul's imperium requires attention for Empire's push and pull in his letters.