This essay meets at the crossroads of religion and literature, insofar as it concerns the extent to which fictional characters can articulate religious viewpoints. The subject here is D. H. Lawrence's Women in Love with particular focus on the novel's main character, Rupert Birkin. This essay argues that Birkin's particular worldview, and the source of the strangeness with which it is encountered, is due to its location outside Judeo-Christian frameworks and inside a fundamentally "Gnostic" one. To prove this argument, I first adumbrate essential features of the Gnostic myth and then proceed to show how Birkin both reflects and departs from them. This essay meets at the crossroads of religion and literature, insofar as it concerns the extent to which fictional characters can articulate religious viewpoints. The subject here is D. H. Lawrence's Women in Love with particular focus on the novel's main character, Rupert Birkin. This essay argues that Birkin's particular worldview, and the source of the strangeness with which it is encountered, is due to its location outside Judeo-Christian frameworks and inside a fundamentally "Gnostic" one. To prove this argument, I first adumbrate essential features of the Gnostic myth and then proceed to show how Birkin both reflects and departs from them.