Duda Penteado's Beauty for Ashes Project addresses the dilemma of contemporary artists finding their own voice after the art movements of the twentieth century. His background as a Brazilian and a believing Christian gives him a unique response. He appropriates and transforms the work of great modern artists without a need for elaborate theoretical justification. Much influenced by Paulo Friere and his belief in the significance of art for social change, Duda is involved in art projects with students and the public around the world. In these projects, ideas are developed, and creative art installations are built that he hopes will inspire people to search deeper for meaning in life. He believes that faith is not a process of convincing but an encounter. Curiosity must be sparked to begin the process for each individual to make the journey. Duda is convinced that art holds a significant role in society and that the artistic image expresses the essence of society. His work represents a genre of artwork derived from ethnic tradition and religious experience. Duda believes that great art comes from within and is the true language of the soul. To create art is an act of faith in itself.