Nature's Apocalyptic Liturgy in Christina Rossetti's Verses
First Statement of Responsibility
Chene Heady Faulstick
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Text of Note
This essay reconsiders Charles Ryder's religious conversion in Brideshead Revisited in terms of a primarily emotional conversion. When reading the novel as a pilgrimage to passion, readers can see in Charles a legitimate, convincing emotional conversion, which should-when emphasizing traditional Catholic ideals-ultimately also be understood as a religious conversion. Charles's emotional interaction with Catholicism includes his intimate, formative relationship with the Catholic Flyte family, especially Sebastian, and aspects of his career as a Baroque artist, as Baroque art is often identified with Catholicism. It also includes Charles's disenchantment with both the soullessness of war, which drains its participants of any emotional experience, and the modern world, which lacks connection to depth and tradition. Finally, the emotive power of his inadvertent pilgrimage to Brideshead also connects Charles to Catholicism as the house facilitates Charles's memories of his religious experience at Lord Marchmain's deathbed, his artistic conversion to Baroque art, and his passionate friendship with Sebastian. Such a broad definition of Catholicism calls for an expansive understanding of religion, but it is this kind of a religious understanding that Brideshead Revisited recommends.