The gift of the Holy Spirit to the disciples in John's Gospel, expressed in the so-called Paraclete sayings (John 14-16), indicates that certain capacities will be given to the disciples of Jesus Christ for the benefit of their witness to the world. This article reflects on these pneumatological texts, brings them into conversation with the discourse of public theology, that is, theology that seeks to address issues in the public domain of wider civil society, outside the sphere of the church. In particular, by taking the metaphor of 'walking alongside', this study explores the ways these texts inform the manner in which Renewal (Pentecostal and Charismatic) Christians, believing in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit for service to the world, may frame their pneumatology of engagement for the sake of others. The gift of the Holy Spirit to the disciples in John's Gospel, expressed in the so-called Paraclete sayings (John 14-16), indicates that certain capacities will be given to the disciples of Jesus Christ for the benefit of their witness to the world. This article reflects on these pneumatological texts, brings them into conversation with the discourse of public theology, that is, theology that seeks to address issues in the public domain of wider civil society, outside the sphere of the church. In particular, by taking the metaphor of 'walking alongside', this study explores the ways these texts inform the manner in which Renewal (Pentecostal and Charismatic) Christians, believing in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit for service to the world, may frame their pneumatology of engagement for the sake of others.