A Review-Essay of Matthias Gockels Barth and Schleiermacher on the Doctrine of Election
First Statement of Responsibility
Jason Goroncy
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Text of Note
The doctrine of election lies at the heart of Reformed theology. This essay offers a review of Matthias Gockel's recent comparison between two of Reformed theology's greatest voices: that of Friedrich Schleiermacher and Karl Barth. Gockel outlines Schleiermacher's contribution to the doctrine before turning to consider its modifications in Barth's work. The advance of these two thinkers on this issue has significant implications for the ongoing questions of universal election and universal salvation. Consequently, the possibility of an apokatastasis panton arises naturally from their theology. This possibility is briefly explored. The doctrine of election lies at the heart of Reformed theology. This essay offers a review of Matthias Gockel's recent comparison between two of Reformed theology's greatest voices: that of Friedrich Schleiermacher and Karl Barth. Gockel outlines Schleiermacher's contribution to the doctrine before turning to consider its modifications in Barth's work. The advance of these two thinkers on this issue has significant implications for the ongoing questions of universal election and universal salvation. Consequently, the possibility of an apokatastasis panton arises naturally from their theology. This possibility is briefly explored.