This article offers some theological reflections on a recent episode in Aotearoa (New Zealand) in which a Maori community housing an alleged terrorist network was subjected to a police raid. Many innocent people, including children, were caught up in the raid thus bringing to mind other episodes in New Zealand's history in which Maori have been subjected to police and state aggression. These episodes provide a starting point for reflection upon public theology and the limits of state power, upon the nature of forgiveness, and upon the offering of public apologies for past offences. This article offers some theological reflections on a recent episode in Aotearoa (New Zealand) in which a Maori community housing an alleged terrorist network was subjected to a police raid. Many innocent people, including children, were caught up in the raid thus bringing to mind other episodes in New Zealand's history in which Maori have been subjected to police and state aggression. These episodes provide a starting point for reflection upon public theology and the limits of state power, upon the nature of forgiveness, and upon the offering of public apologies for past offences.